Plastic Tree will be releasing their 14th album doorAdore next month on March 7. The band has now made available all the details concerning the tracklist and a music video preview of Ongaku (遠国), the opening song to the album. A promotional picture of the group has also been unveiled presenting a bleached appearance of Plastic Tree, see it above.

Switching it up for the music video, we see the band members dressed completely in black. Vocalist Ryutaro Arimura especially shows a dark presence dressed in a flowing black outfit made from long layers of sheer chiffon, delicate lace gloves and a hat with long feathers that billow in the desert wind.

This time around, the band brings a mellow sound combined with Ryutaro’s soulful vocals diving deep into their melancholic side. The preview is long enough to taste a generous part of Akira Nakayama’s beautiful guitar solo. Watch it below and let us know in the comments what are you expecting from Plastic Tree’s upcoming album:

Plastic Tree/「遠国」MUSIC VIDEO (from Album「doorAdore」)

As previously reported, Plastic Tree’s upcoming album will contain a total of 12 track. With the tracklist now available we can see the previous singles of the band Uchuu Yuuei, Silent Noise and Nenriki will be included. All three editions will have the same audio content. As for limited editions A and B, each will come with a DVD featuring live footage taken from their 20th-anniversary concert on July 29, 2017, at Pacifico Yokohama—each edition will include one of the two acts that the concert footage has been split into.


Regular edition


  1. Ongaku (遠国)
  2. Koi wa Haiiro (恋は灰色)
  3. Existencialism (エクジスタンシアリスム)
  4. Uchuu Yuuei (雨中遊泳)
  5. Silent Noise (サイレントノイズ)
  6. Search and Destroy (サーチ アンド デストロイ)
  7. Zanei (残映)
  8. Irotsuki (いろつき)
  9. Nenriki (念力)
  10. scenario
  11. Nocturne (ノクターン)
  12. Shizuka no Umi (静かの海)

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Limited edition A


  1. Ongaku (遠国)
  2. Koi wa Haiiro (恋は灰色)
  3. Existentialism (エクジスタンシアリスム)
  4. Uchuu Yuuei (雨中遊泳)
  5. Silent Noise (サイレントノイズ)
  6. Search and Destroy (サーチ アンド デストロイ)
  7. Zanei (残映)
  8. Irotsuki (いろつき)
  9. Nenriki (念力)
  10. scenario
  11. Nocturne (ノクターン)
  12. Shizuka no Umi (静かの海)


Act one of 20th-anniversary concert July 29, 2017, at Pacifico Yokohama.

  1. Intro
  2. May Day
  3. Reset (リセット)
  4. Zetsubou no Oka (絶望の丘)
  5. Maboroshi Kikai (幻燈機械)
  6. Nuke Gara (ぬけがら)
  7. Hontou no Uso (本当の嘘)
  8. monophobia
  9. Cream (クリーム)
  10. 3 Tsuki 5 Nichi (3月5日。)
  11. Circus (サーカス)
  12. Rikashitsu (理科室)
  13. Glider (グライダー)
  14. Gerbera (ガーベラ)
  15. Chiryuku Bokura (散リユク僕ラ)
  16. Aoi Tori (蒼い鳥)


  • Photobook (version A)

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

Limited edition B


  1. Ongaku (遠国)
  2. Koi wa Haiiro (恋は灰色)
  3. Existentialism (エクジスタンシアリスム)
  4. Uchuu Yuuei (雨中遊泳)
  5. Silent Noise (サイレントノイズ)
  6. Search and Destroy (サーチ アンド デストロイ)
  7. Zanei (残映)
  8. Irotsuki (いろつき)
  9. Nenriki (念力)
  10. scenario
  11. Nocturne (ノクターン)
  12. Shizuka no Umi (静かの海)


Act two of 20th-anniversary concert July 29, 2017, at Pacifico Yokohama.

  1. Nemoreru Mori (眠れる森)
  2. Fujunbutsu (不純物)
  3. Elegy (エレジー)
  4. Spica (スピカ)
  5. Zaza Furi, Zaza Nari (ザザ降り、ザザ鳴り。)
  6. Mujin Eki (無人駅)
  7. Orange (オレンジ)
  8. Sabbath
  9. egg
  10. Ruisen Kairo (涙腺回路)
  11. Kuroi Kasa (黒い傘)
  12. Andrometamorphose (アンドロメタモルフォーゼ)
  13. Utsusemi (うつせみ)
  14. Melt (メルト)
  15. Makka na Ito (真っ赤な糸)
  16. Replay (リプレイ)
  17. Kioku Yuki (記憶行き)


  • Photobook (version B)

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

Plastic Tree:
Official Website

Twitter (Ryutaro Arimura)
Twitter (Kenken Sato)
Instagram (Kenken)

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