Plastic Tree - 念力【MUSIC VIDEO】

Ever since the release of Ryutaro Arimura’s solo album, we started wondering how frontman’s side project would affect Plastic Tree. Luckily, not in a negative way, as the band has a new single titled Nenriki (念力) coming out on January 25! This time, the band brings a different sound when comparing to their previous single. Check out the music video preview for the title track below.

Plastic Tree - 念力【MUSIC VIDEO】

The single is now available for pre-order in four editions. Regular edition contains four tracks total including an instrumental for the title track and a live version of Circus, from their 1998 album Puppet Show. Limited editions A and B will come with a DVD featuring the band’s live performance at Tokyo International Forum which is split up between both editions. Limited edition C comes with the full music video for the title track.

Check out the band’s new monochrome photo below.

Plastic Tree’s new look!

Nenriki (念力)

Regular edition


  1. Nenriki (念力)
  2. creep
  3. Circus サーカス (Live Arrange Version)
  4. Nenriki (念力) (Instrumental)

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Limited edition A


  1. Nenriki (念力)
  2. creep
  3. Nenriki (念力) (Instrumental)


“Black Silent/White Noise” at Tokyo International Forum A, first part

  1. Utsusemi (うつせみ)
  2. Frasco (フラスコ)
  3. Mirai Iro (みらいいろ)
  4. Melt (メルト)
  5. Kuchizuke (くちづけ)
  6. Piano Black (ピアノブラック)
  7. Jikansaka (時間坂)
  8. Sanatorium (サナトリウム)
  9. Kagee (影絵)
  10. Silent Noise (サイレントノイズ)

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Limited edition B


  1. Nenriki (念力)
  2. creep
  3. Nenriki (念力) (Instrumental)


“Black Silent/White Noise” at Tokyo International Forum A, second part

  1. Synchro (シンクロ)
  2. Melancholic (メランコリック)
  3. Thrashing Pumpkin Death March (スラッシングパンプキン・デスマーチ)
  4. Mime (マイム)
  5. Barrier (バリア)
  6. Shizuka no Umi (静かの海)
  7. Hakusei (剥製)
  8. Kyokuron (曲論)
  9. Avantgarde (あバンギャルど)
  10. Cream (クリーム)

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Limited edition C


  1. Nenriki (念力)
  2. creep
  3. Nenriki (念力) (Instrumental)


  1. Nenriki (念力) music video

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Plastic Tree:
Official Website


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