It’s been four years since the GazettE released their last full album, MASS, and they continued to celebrate and promote it even as recently as last year—with reasonings explained by guitarist Aoi in our collaborative interview.
Now that the band ended their 23rd anniversary live tour on March 10, the GazettE excitingly teased their next step with an ominous video and promotional image for the new release and release event “THE WINTER”, while stating that it will be “COMING SOON”.
Looking closely at the promotional image, the text at the bottom originally read “2024 RELEASE NEW ALBUM” but has been struck through with a black marker. Since there is no official explanation, please note that the following information below will be our own interpretation and assessment.
- Teaser for the new release and release event, “THE WINTER”.@theGazettESTAFF
- We manipulated the image to better reveal the struck text at the bottom. Click to enlarge.
Based on the idea that the GazettE previously had an album scheduled for 2024, and the fact that Aoi was actively working on new music in early 2024 and had already finished it to some degree, it could mean that THE WINTER is the album fans have been looking forward to but never got in 2024. For clarity, the promotional image makes it clear that it will be a new release, but does not specifically state that it’s an album.
Another thing to note is that the gray rectangular area, promoting THE WINTER, sits on top of imagery that has also been struck across with a black marker.
One of the most significant events last year was the shocking passing of bassist Reita, which left the world speechless. If you missed the news, you can read the initial statement and the band members’ messages to Reita. To honor and promote Reita’s legacy as a designer, we also made a visit to the store DEAL DESIGN in Shinjuku, where they sell accessories designed by Reita.
Lastly, here’s a closer look at the jacket for THE WINTER.
Are you just as excited as we are to finally—or potentially—see a full-fledged album from the GazettE? Let us know in the comments below!