Kenshi Yonezu’s music video for Uma to Shika released on September 2 and it has garnered over 10 million views on YouTube in a week. At the start, we see the Tokyo skyline on a cloudy day. As Kenshi sings into the breeze, scenes follow of a dark and hauntingly beautiful world. Yet, the song is heartfelt and emotional, it endures the harshness to rise above it all.

The title translates to Horse and Deer, that may be a lament for spirit animals in a romantic tryst as Kenshi goes on to ask the question, as anyone ever in a relationship at some point asks, “If this is not love, what would you call it?”

米津玄師 - 馬と鹿 Kenshi Yonezu - Uma to Shika

The song is the theme for No Side Manager on the Tokyo Broadcasting System, like last years award-winning song Lemon, that was also a theme song. But, this time around the video depicts Kenshi trying to survive against sinister forces. Standing out in a crowd that wants to tear him down alludes to the main character in the drama series who works for a big manufacturing company. Anyone whose hustled up a corporate ladder knows that there are challenges. To the cubicle commandos, let this song be your anthem!

The digital release is available now on iTunes. The release editions also include Umi No Yurei (海の幽霊), the theme song for the movie Children of the Sea, and Deshomasho (でしょましょ).

Uma To Shika


Limited edition – no side version


  1. Uma To Shika (馬と鹿)
  2. Umi No Yurei (海の幽霊)
  3. Deshomasho (でしょましょ)


  1. Whistle-shaped pendant necklace

Buy at CDJapan, HMV or Amazon

Kenshi_Yonezu_Uma_to_Shika_cdLimited edition – video version


  1. Uma To Shika (馬と鹿)
  2. Umi No Yurei (海の幽霊)
  3. Deshomasho (でしょましょ)


  1. Live teaser footage of “Sekitsui ga Opal ni Naru Koro” concert 2019.
  2. Umi No Yurei (海の幽霊) music video

Buy at CDJapan, HMV or Amazon

Kenshi_Yonezu_Uma_to_Shika_cdRegular edition


  1. Uma To Shika (馬と鹿)
  2. Umi No Yurei (海の幽霊)
  3. Deshomasho (でしょましょ)

Buy at CDJapan, HMV or Amazon

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