Sel'm, one of the longer lasting bands in the visual kei scene, have announced to end their tenure as a band after 12 years of activities. This decision comes after long talks that have began since 2015, statin...
Within the J-rock scene (or visual kei, if you prefer), bands announcing their impending breakup happens all too often it seems. So it's a nice change of pace when a new band emerges that's made up of talented ...
Sel'm has finally released the date of their belated summer album, and it's scheduled for October 21. Reirou will be Sel'm's third album, two of which vocalist Ryuga participated in. They are also sporting a ne...
Due to unfortunate events of drummer MANJ゛'s lumbar disc herniation* condition worsening, Sel'm announced that MANJ゛ will be taking a break from band activities. Members of the band discussed this matter togeth...
On February 18, Sel'm will release what they have labeled an "experiment CD" titled Scarlet of the Guilty. So far, no explanation has been offered for why it is an "experiment". I speculate that it has somethin...