Cazqui and SID have joined hands for the song Zakuro (ザクロ), performed by Fantôme Iris in the mobile rhythm game “ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! AAside” (“AAside” for short).
In the surprising event, we find Cazqui, former NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST guitarist, and the members of SID collaborating for the song Zakuro. While the song is composed by SID’s guitarist Shinji, with lyrics written by SID’s vocalist Mao, the guitar itself is played by Cazqui. The end product is finalized by it being performed by the visual kei band Fantôme Iris.
Fantôme Iris is a relatively new band that exists both in a real-life setting, and fictional setting—such as in the mobile rhythm game AAside. Within the fictional world, the band members are voiced by professional voice actors, while in the real world, professional visual kei artists act as the band members and play the songs live. The only member who is active in both settings is the vocalist Arthur Conant Lounsbery—which by the way is his real name.

Live band line-up for “ARGONAVIS AAside Live Royal Fes 2020”: Bassist Sato, guitarist Touma, vocalist Arthur, guitarist YOUSAY, drummer KENZO.
The members of SID have been responsible for most of the Fantôme Iris songs so far, as such, the surprising aspect was mainly Cazqui’s contribution.
The full version Zakuro has been showcased on occasions but as of writing, it hasn’t been officially released yet. It’s possible to play the short version of the song via AAside (iOS and Android), but even if it’s a free-to-play mobile rhythm game, it’s only available in Japan right now.
In the video below, you can listen to what Zakuro sounds like and also get a glimpse of AAside‘s gameplay.
To give you a better idea of how the real-life band translates, watch Fantôme Iris’ performance of Gin no Yuri, a song composed by bassist AKi of SID:
“ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream!” is a franchise active within anime, games, music, and more. Its main acts consist of five male bands with three of them linking the fictional world together with real-life performances: Argonavis, GYROAXIA, and Fantôme Iris. The other two fictional bands consist of εpsilonΦ (Epsilon Phi) and “Fujin RIZING!”.
The mobile rhythm game “ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! AAside” was released in Japan on January 14, 2021. Combining voiced and animated visual stories along with rhythm game, it offers interesting gameplay that even ties into the story of the anime counterpart.