September has swiftly arrived, and with it comes a new batch of tunes for you to watch out for in the days to follow. Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on XaaXaa’s new mini-album and ASAGI’s upcoming solo work. Please, feel free to share your picks with us, too.

DateArtistRelease TitleRelease TypeCommentDetails
01AstyAtaoka Chu Chu Dancing Night!!SingleAsty’s seventh single.CDJapan
02RADWIMPSNatsu no Sei epEPComes in three editions.CDJapan
02POIDOLPeriod.AlbumPOIDOL’s final album before disbanding.Info
09BAROQUEThe Birth Of Liberty // Final – Live At Harmony Hall Zama 2020.01.10-BD/DVDFeatures BAROQUE’s concert held on January 10, 2020, in Kanagawa.CDJapan
099mm Parabellum BulletByakuya no HibiSingle9mm Parabellum Bullet’s ninth single.CDJapan
099mm Parabellum BulletChaosmologyAlbumTribute album featuring 18 acts including THE BACK HORN, FLOWER FLOWER, fox capture plan, Ryu Matsuyama, and more.CDJapan
09AimerSpark-AgainSingleAimer’s 19th single; features as an intro theme for the TV anime series Fire Force, 2nd season.CDJapan
09BREAKERZBARABARA / Love StageSingleBREAKERZ’ 21st includes the main theme song for the film “Yokai Ningen Bela and the main theme song for the film “LOVE STAGE!!”CDJapan
11CHOKEThe Human AnthemSingleCHOKE’s second single.Webstore
15AriMushizu ga HashiruSingleAri’s fourth single; comes in three editions.CDJapan
15KazamiDaizyStripper Piano Selection IIIAlbumContains piano-arranged songs by DaizyStripper.
16KAKUMAYKakumeiMini-albumKAKUMAY’s first EP.CDJapan
16HAZUKISotsuya – FUNERAL –AlbumHAZUKI covers LUNA SEA, Kuroyume, and more in his new, full-length album.Info
21BUCK-TICKABRACADABRAAlbumBUCK-TICK’s 22nd album; available on several formats including, vinyl and cassette.Info
22FredericASOVIVAEPFrederic’s upcoming EP features four new songs, including two live tracks from their online concert held on July 18.CDJapan
23XaaXaaAi 「」Mini-albumComes in two editions.CDJapan
23givesLove SongSinglegives’ first single; comes in two editions.CDJapan
30ASAGIAmabieCDFeaturing musicians from La’cryma Christi, Kuroyume, gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy, Wagakki Band, and LUNA SEA.Info
30DEXCORE[METEMPSYCHOSIS.]AlbumDEXCORE’s first music release with new drummer Reizi; Comes in four editions.Info
30VirgeSENSingleVirge’s fifth single.CDJapan
30SUGIZOLive In TokyoAlbumFeatures SUGIZO’s first birthday 2-day concert held in 2019. Features great acts such as Kyo (DIR EN GREY, sukekiyo), TERU, TAKURO (GLAY), and Kiyoharu.CDJapan
30cali≠gariBlue Film – Revival –AlbumComes in “Pink” and “Porno” editions.CDJapan
30INORANLibertine DreamsAlbumINORAN’s 13th solo-album; comes in three editions.Info
30AldiousEvoke2 2010-2020AlbumThe second volume of their re-recording greatest hits “Evoke” series. Contains nine songs, including “Luft” and “Re:fire”.CDJapan
30BRATSKarmaAlbumComes in four editions.Info

Feel free to leave corrections and missing releases in the comment section and we’ll update the schedule as soon as possible. Shop at CDJapanJapan Discoveries or JPU Record

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