Welcome to August! In just two days we can fully take in the whole of DIR EN GREY’s new single! We know many of you, just like us, are looking forward to that, but don’t let it distract you from all the other goodies dropping this month. Personally, I’m excited to listen to Arlequin’s new album! What about you?

DateArtistRelease TitleRelease TypeCommentDetails
03DIR EN GREYOchita Koto no Aru SoraSingleDIR EN GREY’s 32nd single.Info
05SHINRE:SingleSHIN’s first single.CDJapan
05Adabito wo KogaranuGuzu, AkikeruSingleFeatures two tracks.CDJapan
05Crystal LakeThe VoyagesAlbumCrystal Lake brings an album including rearranged and rerecorded versions of their early works.Info
07DOGMASSuccubusSingleFeatures two tracks.CDJapan
12MY FIRST STORYVAlbumFeatures 13 tracks.CDJapan
12GLAYGLAY Arena Tour 2019 – 2020 Democracy 25th Hotel GLAY The Suite Room in Yokohama ArenaBD/DVDFeatures the final of “GLAY ARENA TOUR 2019-2020 DEMOCRACY 25TH HOTEL GLAY THE SUITE ROOM” held at Yokohama Arena.CDJapan
12GLAYG4 2020SingleFeatures four songs, with each one composed by a different member of GLAY.CDJapan
12Eir AoiI Will…SingleIncludes the the outro theme, I Will…, for the TV anime Sword Art Online Alicization.CDJapan
19ArlequinThe laughing manAlbumArlequin’s third album; featuring all brand new songs.Info
19KizuKizu ONEMAN TOUR FINAL Shomesu February 11, 2020 Theater RoppongiDVDKizu’s second live DVD. Features a performance from February 11, 2020, at Theater Roppongi.CDJapan
19MAN WITH A MISSIONMAN WITH A MISSION THE MOVIE -TRACE the HISTORY-BD/DVDFirst documentary film on MAN WITH A MISSION commemorating the tenth anniversary of their career in 2020.CDJapan
19AimerHana no Uta / I beg you / Haru wa YukuSingleA limited-edition CD commemorating the release of the theatrical anime Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel III. spring song.CDJapan

Airo Maeda

Watashi wa Dare? Boku wa Doko?SingleAiro Maeda, vocalist and leader UNDER FALL JUSTICE, releases second solo single.CDJapan
25the Raid.the Raid. Gacha GachaM CardUSB format.CDJapan
25the Raid.KimipuriSingleComes in five editions.CDJapan
25the Raid.Kamisama Mosukoshi DakeSingleComes in three editions.CDJapan
26SHiSHiJirai-chan! Bokan!SingleSHiSHi’s third single; comes in two editions.CDJapan
26LabaiserMuchitsujo na HakoSingleLabaiser’s fifth single.CDJapan
26TЯicKY“15 Shunen 15 Sai” – TЯicKY 15th Anniversary AlbumAlbumA new album commemorating their 15th anniversary.CDJapan
26DavidGothculture -Claustrophobia-SingleThe fourth single of a six-part Goth culture concept by David (SUI, former Magaromania).CDJapan
26DavidLIVE “Gothculture” -Image of First & Second ActDVDFeatures David’s live performance held on June 24, 2020, at Akabane ReNY.CDJapan
26DavidFILM “Gothculture” -Image of First ActDVDCDJapan
26DavidFILM “Gothculture” -Image of Second ActDVDCDJapan
26BUCK-TICKMOONLIGHT ESCAPESingleBUCK-TICK’s 39th single; comes in three editions.Info
26Nothing’s Carved In StoneFuturesAlbumSelf-cover album.CDJapan
26the peggiesCentimeterSingleFeatures as the intro theme for the  TV anime Rent-A-Girlfriend.CDJapan
26Mary’s BloodRe>AnimatorAlbumMary’s Blood brings the first cover album.CDJapan

Feel free to leave corrections and missing releases in the comment section and we’ll update the schedule as soon as possible. Shop at CDJapanJapan Discoveries or JPU Record

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