frederic is due to release their EP, VISION on October 9 and have previously provided us with performance and documentary snippets that will feature on the DVD packaged in the limited edition. Now the band has taken this one step further as they have now revealed the music video for title track VISION.

フレデリック「VISION」Music Video / frederic “VISION”

The story told this time round sees a concerned man looking at multiple screens in search of a woman who is continuously walking but in multiple places. This prompts said man to go looking for her on his own in an underground area filled with ominous red and blue lighting.

It doesn’t come without danger however as the man trips up multiple times. They do eventually find each other with their hands reaching out to one another ending with the two holding hands and caressing each other’s faces.

The intriguing part of it is how it plays with your “vision” as the music video is shown through fragmented screens, leaving areas of black space. These fragmented screens are zoomed in closer than others and are always moving whether that’s sideways or diagonally amongst other directions, creating this disorientating feeling. They are essentially viewfinders at times, layered on top of each other. This is obviously all happening while the band is performing the playful funky tune.

Disorientating but interesting visuals as frederic perform title track “VISION”

The more I listen to it, the more it grows on me but I can already tell that this will be the least out of my favorites. VISION brings in the B Essentially it’s more frederic, however, I’m not complaining as there is already enough to take from it that I can say I like.


Regular Edition


  2. Imagination (イマジネーション)
  3. Owaranai MUSIC (終わらないMUSIC)
  4. Shinsensu (シンセンス) (FAB!!) Live at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST 2019
  5. Kanashii Ureshii (かなしいうれしい) (FAB!!) Live at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST 2019

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

Limited Edition


  2. Imagination (イマジネーション)
  3. Owaranai MUSIC (終わらないMUSIC)
  4. Shinsensu (シンセンス) (FAB!!) Live at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST 2019
  5. Kanashii Ureshii (かなしいうれしい) (FAB!!) Live at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST 2019
  6. Yoru ni Rock wo Kiite Shimattara (夜にロックを聴いてしまったら) Live at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST 2019


  1. ‘FREDERHYTHM TOUR 2019~Yoru ni Rock wo Kiite Shimattara Hen~’ at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST (2019.04.13)
  • Sukiraism (スキライズム)
  • Ningyo no Hanashi (人魚のはなし)
  • Yoso no Piranha (他所のピラニア)
  • Touhikou (逃避行)
  • Endless May Day (エンドレスメーデー)
  • Yoru ni Rock wo Kiite Shimattara (夜にロックを聴いてしまったら)

2. ‘FREDERHYTHM TOUR 2019-2020’ SEASON1-SEASON2 Documentary

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Kenji Mihara) (三原健司)
Twitter (Ryuji Akagashira) (赤頭隆児)
Twitter (Koji Mihara) (三原康司)
Twitter (Takeru Takahashi) (高橋武)
Instagram (Ryuji Akagashira) (赤頭隆児)
Instagram (Takeru Takahashi) (高橋武)

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