frederic will release their second EP VISION tomorrow on October 9 that will hit stores in two editions and in turn, have revealed footage from the DVD featured on the limited edition!
Here you can see snippets of the band performing LIGHT, Sukiraism, Touhikou, Endless May Day, and Yoru ni Rock wo Kiite Shimattara taken from their performance at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST on April 13, 2019. Also included on the DVD is their FREDERHYTHM TOUR 2019-2020 SEASON 1-SEASON 2 Documentary.
The regular edition of the EP contains five tracks in total including the title track and four songs—two of which have been recorded live, taken from the same performance featured on the DVD. These songs are Shinsensu and Kanashii Ureshii performed by FAB!!, otherwise known as the Frederic Acoustic Band. The limited-edition takes it up to six adding a live track of Yoru ni Rock wo Kiite Shimattara and of course, the DVD as mentioned before.
More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Kenji Mihara) (三原健司)
Twitter (Ryuji Akagashira) (赤頭隆児)
Twitter (Koji Mihara) (三原康司)
Twitter (Takeru Takahashi) (高橋武)
Instagram (Ryuji Akagashira) (赤頭隆児)
Instagram (Takeru Takahashi) (高橋武)