Ryutaro Arimura (Plastic Tree) has uploaded a short preview for Tsuki Kage to Tsuki Kaze (憑影と月風) music video that’s from his upcoming mini-album Kojin Sakuhin Shu 1992-2017 “Demo #2” out on September 19, 2018. So far we know that there are eight original songs on this release, plus three acoustic versions on both limited edition.
The package of the first print of the limited editions comes with a handwritten title sticker by Arimura himself, so each receiver will have their own original piece of work for themselves.
有村竜太朗「憑影と月風 /tsukikagetotsukikaze」
Kojin Sakuhin Shu 1992-2017 “Demo #2”
More info:
Official website
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