The beginning of November will see DADAROMA release a new single titled “Ii Kusuri to, Warui Kusuri” on November 1 which translates to “good medicine and bad medicine”. The tracklisting is a bit different to their other singles this time around with two of the similarly-named songs taking a more thematic approach, one is the heavier-sounding “Ii Kusuri”, while “Warui Kusuri” is lighter.

Type A starts with “Ii Kusuri” as the first song and “Warui Kusuri” being the second, while the third is Alice In Underground packaged alongside music video for “Ii Kusuri”; it also has the darker artwork.

Type B swaps these two songs around and the third track is replaced with 2017.7.21 no Nikki, which is in Japanese “Jyu Ichi Nen Nana Tsuki ni Jyu Ichi no Nikki” and instead contains the music video for “Warui Kusuri” along with the lighter artwork.

Another thing to mention is that all of DADAROMA’s discography is now available on iTunes in 108 countries, so do check your respective store to see if it’s there!

They have also revealed two separate artist photo’s which you can see below!

Artist Photo for “Warui Kusuri”

DADAROMA 両A面 Single 「いいくすりと、わるいくすり」試聴

“Ii Kusuri to, Warui Kusuri”

Edition A


  1. “Ii Kusuri” (“いいくすり”)
  2. “Warui Kusuri” (わるいくすり)
  3. Alice In Underground (アリス・イン・アンダーグラウンド)


  1. “Ii Kusuri” (“いいくすり”) Music Video

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

Edition B


  1. “Warui Kusuri” (“わるいくすり”)
  2. “Ii Kusuri” (“いいくすり”)
  3. 2017.7.21 no Nikki (2017 年 7 月 21 日の日記 )


  1. “Warui Kusuri” (“わるいくすり”)

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

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