Casper. (stylized as $”Casper.) is a rock band formed of four members who stylize their visuals and music under the theme of “contemporary horror”.  The members are vocalist kiro, guitarist u, bassist ryo, digital performer Mr.Merry who also raps.

There’s not really a particular genre they fall under, as they seem to be pretty experimental when it comes to producing music, just know that everything they do is “spooky”. Mixing metal with classic instruments and glitchy digital tunes, they lace it with dramatic melodic vocals, rap, and heavy growls. Then the next track could be a playful chanting tune with haunted keyboard sounds. It’s a pick and mix of music considering that they’ve only been around for less than two years.

These guys released their first two singles in 2016 titled Welcome to and their second single Halloween no yūutsu (ハロウィンの憂鬱). Expect Halloween vibes as it says on the tin. We’ve learned that they seem to like ladies from their videos, so expect thighs, side boobs, and the occasional NFSW pose. We noticed there was a twitter poll going for bra cup sizes as well so… We have warned you!

Here is the music video for Chemical Shoujo (ケミカル少女) which was released April 8, 2017.

[MV] $”Casper.「ケミカル少女」

Unexpectedly as this is slightly unusual, the most recent video is a rap one with the creepiest of the crew, Mr.Merry.

【自主制作MV】Mr.Merry with Mymen「ヤミテラップ」

What do you guys think of Casper? Let us know in the comments below.

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (kiro)
Twitter (u)
Twitter (MR.Merry)
Twitter (ryo)

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