Welcome to December; the final month of 2015 is here, and so is our J-rock release schedule! If you’re in need of gift ideas for the forthcoming holiday, then you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re looking for a gift for yourself or for someone else, you’ll find lots of inspiring gift ideas below. And, if you’re feeling especially jolly this time around, you’re more than welcome to send a gift or two to me. Wha, no? Well, it’s OK, since I was only jesting. Happy Holidays; see you next year!

DateArtistRelease TitleRelease TypeCommentDetails
02AldiousRadiantAlbumThe band’s second album.CDJapan
02AngeloRESULTEPAvailable for a limited period of time; until December 20.CDJapan
02MEJIBRAYMomoku no Neko wo Koroshita Modoku at Nibiya Yagai Dai Ongaku Do (盲目の猫を殺した猛毒 at 日比谷野外大音楽堂)DVDFeatures MEJIBRAY’s concert held on September 5, 2015 at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall.Info
02Kameleo (カメレオ)Paripipo (パリピポ)SingleThe band’s 11th single.CDJapan
02GOTCHAROCKAMarry me, ’cause I hate USingleThe band’s seventh single.CDJapan
02GIGAMOUS (ギガマウス)Itdaking (頂王)SingleThe band’s seventh single.CDJapan
02RAVE (レイヴ)Subcult (サブカル)SingleThe band’s eighth single.CDJapan
02ChantyYasashii Koe (ヤサシイコエ)SingleThe band’s sixth single.Info
02FoLLoWPlanetarium (プラネタリウム)SingleThe band’s sixth single.CDJapan
02riceLast Scene (ラストシーン)SingleThe band’s 16th single.CDJapan
02THE EGOISTEMBLEMMini-albumThe band’s first mini-album.CDJapan
02i.RiasFuyuzora Cyan (冬空シアン)SingleThe band’s fourth single.CDJapan
02THE MUSMUSPROLOGUEMini-albumFormerly UPLIFT SPICE returns as THE MUSMUS, releasing their first mini-album “PROLOGUE”.Info
03zer0 (ゼロf)CHARLES LEE RAY IISingleA live distributed single to be released at
04karasu (鴉)Kakusei (覚醒)SingleLive-limited single begin sales at Shibuya Chelsea Hotel on December 04, 2015 and onward.
04GOATBEDTitle to be announcedSingleA live-distributed single to be released at their live “HEAVIER THAN A DEATH IN THE FAMILY” at Shibuya STAR LOUNGE on December 4, 2015.
06DeviloofRuinSingleLive distributed only.Info
08Ema (エマ)Nemuriyuku Zense~Kaikou no Asu~ (眠りゆく前世~邂逅の明日~)Mini-albumA live-distributed mini-album to be released at Despite from Greed last live at Ikebukuro CYBER on December 8, 2015.
09BREAKERZYAIBASingleThe band’s 16th single.CDJapan
09nüemotherMini-albumThe band’s second mini-album.Info
0921gHitori Shibai Honey (一人芝居ハニー)Mini-albumThe band’s first mini-album.CDJapan
09minus (-)GMini-albumThe band’s second mini-album. Features various guests such as J and KYONO. Includes an alternate version of “The Victim,” whose original version was provided for BELLRING Shojo Heart.CDJapan
09GALNERYUSUnder The Force Of CourageAlbumThe band’s 10th album. Comes with a 24-page booklet by Syu. Features book-case packaging.CDJapan
09Purple StoneKaiten Mokuba (回転木馬)SingleThe band’s third single. Cover artworks and B-side track(s) corresponding to all the editions are different from each other.CDJapan
09VAMPSVAMPS LIVE 2015 BLOODSUCKERSDVD/BDFeatures the final concert of the tour “VAMPS LIVE 2015 BLOODSUCKERS” held on May 31, 2015 at Saitama Super Arena.CDJapan
09BloodsRe:makeSingleThe band’s first single.CDJapan
09DMaster KeySingleThe band’s 26th single.CDJapan
09SHAPE SHIFTERRaimei (雷鳴)SingleThe band’s first single; second pressing.CDJapan
09REVINEMansei naru Asahi no Kamiguni (万世ナル旭日ノ神國)SingleThe band’s fourth single.CDJapan
09VIVALETMugenhouyou (夢幻泡影)SingleA live-distributed single to be released at theirsecond anniversary one-man live “Finale Of Rebellion” at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE on December 9, 2015.
09UNDER FALL JUSTICEUrami ni Urami (恨みに怨み)Mini-albumthe band’s first mini-album.CDJapan
09BLESSCODEwhite / Regret LoveSingleThe band’s fourth single. Tsunehito of D plays bass on the single which was produced by Hajime Okano.CDJapan
09MardelasThousand CranesSingleFirst single after signing with a major record label.CDJapan
11hidehide 50th anniversary FILM “JUNK STORY”DVD/BDa documentary film on hide, a guitarist of the legendary visual kei band, X Japan.Info
15DIAURAINCOMPLETEAlbumDIAURA’s first a greatest hits album, including tracks newly arranged for this release.CDJapan
15SRASH NOTES GARDENLifeAlbumThe band’s first album.CDJapan
16SuGSICK’SSingleThe band’s 13th single.Info
16LEZARDKakurenbo (かくれんぼ)SingleThe band’s sixth single.CDJapan
16Gibalte (ジバルト)Unreal WorldSingleThe single will be sold in advance at Takadanobaba AREA on December 12, 2015.
16Hyper Pocket (ハイパーポケット)Tonikaku Akarui Hyper Pocket (とにかく明るいハイパーポケット)SingleThe single will be sold in advance at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 on December 9, 2015.
16Mediena (メディーナ)Jyubaku (呪縛)SingleThe band’s first single.CDJapan
16DECAYSRed or MaryamUSBDECAYS’ first mini-album in USB flash drive form.CDJapan
16TETSUYAMake A WishSingleThe titletrack is the intro theme song for the video game “Exist Archive”.CDJapan
16LOUDNESSHeavy Metal HippiesAlbumPriced-down reissue of “HEAVY METAL HIPPIES” from LOUDNESS.CDJapan
16LOUDNESSLOUD ‘N’ RAWSinglePriced-down reissue of “LOUD ‘N’ RAW” from LOUDNESS.CDJapan
16SmileberryNo More CrySingleThe band’s second single.Info
16OLDCODEX“High Speed! -Free! Starting Days- (Movie)” Main Theme Song: Aching HornsSingleFeatures main theme of “High Speed! Free! Starting Days” theatrical anime with B-side song and illustrated jacket.CDJapan
16Synk;yetRecollection Of GlintAlbumA collection of tracks from CDs released before guitarist Yuiha joined the band which are no longer available for purchase. All tracks have been remastered.CDJapan
16TETSUYATime Goes On -Awa no Yo ni-SingleThe title track is the outro theme song for the video game “Exist Archive”.CDJapan
16VRZELMuzzleMini-albumThe band’s first mini-album.CDJapan
16ELM (エルム)2015 Nen 8 Gatsu 25 Nichi (Ka) Tokyoto Shubuya-ku Maruyama-cho de Okita Ryokiteki Satsujin Jiken no KosatsuDVDFeatures a concert held by visual kei band, ELM at TSUTAYA O-WEST on August 25, 2015.CDJapan
16Nihilizmarguere (アルグエレ)AlbumSecond press of “arguere (アルグエレ)”, originally released on October 28, 2015.CDJapan
23L’Arc-en-CielWings FlapSingleCDJapan
23Merry Badend (メリーバッドエンド)Tenchikairisu Kaibyaku no Oto (“天地乖離す開闢の音)SingleThe band’s first single.CDJapan
23Meary (メアリィ)Shitsuraku (失楽)Singlethe band’s third single.CDJapan
23ShellmyTanin (他人)SingleCDJapan
23DaizyStripperSINGLE COLLECTIONAlbumThe SINGLE COLLECTION features 19 tracks including their debut song Dandelion, Mousou Nikki, Hoshizora to Kimi no Te – You are (not) mine –, and ARREST, plus more.CDJapan
23DaizyStripperCOUPLING COLLECTIONAlbumThe COUPLING COLLECTION features 21 tracks, including B-side tracks from their previous works endorphin (from the second/third single) through G.Z.S.K.K – Kanzen Fukkatsu version –, plus more.CDJapan
23the LOTUSWishSingleThe band’s first single.Info
23TokamiMatamorphaAlbumThe band’s third album.CDJapan
23VAN9ISHSweet dreams againMini-albumCDJapan
23BugLugBugLug Live DVD “Happy Birthday Kill You -Strawberry Hall Cake-“DVDFeatures a concert by visual kei band, BugLug “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KILL YOU – STRAWBERRY HALL CAKE -” held at Shibuya Public Hall on July 25, 2015.CDJapan
23V.A.Black Market Gang 1AlbumCompilation CD features seven visual-kei bands belonging to ROCKSTAR RECORDS, Avanchick, Devil Kitty, THE EGOIST, Mary Betty, Dear, and a visual-kei enka singer, TAKASHI.CDJapan
23RHEDORICGaryotensei (画竜点睛)Mini-albumCDJapan
23AI (藍)Karasu (鴉)SingleAI’s first single.Info
23CLØWDNoroshi / Thank you for coming (狼煙 / Thank you for coming)SingleThe band’s second single.CDJapan
23Plastic TreeHakuseiAlbumThe 13th album from the band.Info
24MoranMoran All Time Best 2008-2012AlbumFeatures songs selected by the members from their career in 2008 through 2012, including unreleased tracks rub and Manicure. Comes with a 20-page booklet.CDJapan
24MoranMoran All Time Best 2012-2015AlbumFeatures songs selected by the members from their career in 2012 through 2015, including a new song Eyes Wide Open. Comes with a 20-page booklet.CDJapan
24MoranMoran MV BestDVDFeatures all the music videos released from the band so far, including one made for their last single, Yoake wo Mae ni. Comes with a 4-page booklet.Info
24Moran2015.9.21 (Mon) Zepp Diver City Moran Last Oneman Live “Yoake Mae, Saigo no Yoru ni Eien wo Himotoku Hoteishiki wo Yumemu”DVDFeatures Moran’s last one-group show held on September 21, 2015 at Zepp Diver City. Contains all the songs performed at the gig on three discs. Comes with an eight-page booklet.CDJapan
26BrotherTitle to be announced.N/AA live-limited CD to be released at Takadanobaba CLUB PHASE on December 26, 2015.
27DOAK 2Kage to Kage (影と影) DEMO version and REBELLION DEMO versionSingleOne-coin demo singles to be released at their live at Takadanobaba AREA on December 27, 2015. sign DEMO version will be provided if the one-coin singles are purchased together.
29Glamscureevil-mindedSingleA live-limited one-coin single to be released at Ikebukuro CHOP on December 29, 2015.
30LOST ASHLOST ASHAlbumThe band’s last album.CDJapan
30GAGA“Chijyo/Gekidoku” (『痴情/劇毒』)SingleThe band’s third single.Info
30Otomekokka (乙女国家)Otome wa Ima Yandeimasu. (乙女は今病んでいます。)Mini-album
30GUILD (ギルド)The Ultimate Best Vol.1 -Burning Collection-AlbumGreatest hits album to be simultaneous released with The Ultimate Best Vol.2 -Love Collection-.CDJapan
30GUILD (ギルド)The Ultimate Best Vol.2 -Love Collection-AlbumGreatest hits album to be simultaneous released with The Ultimate Best Vol.1 -Burning Collection-.CDJapan
30FEST VAINQUEURmine Presents “CYBER CIRCUS TV” FEST FES 2015DVDFeatures a visual kei event “FEST FES 2015″ held at Osaka STUDIO PARTITA on August 29, 2015” with unreleased backstage interview footage. Includes 21 tracks in two discs.CDJapan

Feel free to leave corrections and missing releases in the comment section and I will update the schedule as soon as possible.

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