A new album titled Hakusei (剥製) was announced on the Plastic Tree official website earlier this week, due to be released on December 23. This album will be available in two versions and will include 12 tracks on both editions. The limited edition includes a special photo booklet, the production which has been supervised by Doroinu (Gekidan Inu Curry) and also a coloring illustration featuring Doroinu’s illustration.

Take a look at the artwork below, and notice the vast amount of details which has gone into the work of merging the band members faces. This will be Plastic Tree’s 13th album, and will feature previously released singles Mime, Slow and Rakka.

I love Mime for it’s catchiness and Kagee for it’s bittersweet tune. Which is your favourite Plastic Tree song?  Let us know in the comments below.

Plastic Tree - 落花【MUSIC VIDEO】

Plastic Tree/マイム【MUSIC VIDEO&SPOT】

L1297-01 Hcase_.eps


Regular edition 3000 yen


  1. ◯ Seibutsu (◯生物 )
  2. Flask (フラスコ)
  3. Mime (マイム )
  4. Hacienda (ハシエンダ )
  5. Kokuhaku (告白 )
  6. Insomnia Blues (インソムニアブルース )
  7. float
  8. Rakka (落花)
  9. Thrashing Pumpkin Death March (スラッシングパンプキン・デスマーチ )
  10. Throw (スロウ )
  11. Hakusei (剥製 =)
  12. ● seibutsu (●静物 )

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Limited edition 5000 yen


  1. ◯ Seibutsu (◯生物 )
  2. Flask (フラスコ)
  3. Mime (マイム )
  4. Hacienda (ハシエンダ )
  5. Kokuhaku (告白 )
  6. Insomnia Blues (インソムニアブルース )
  7. float
  8. Rakka (落花)
  9. Thrashing Pumpkin Death March (スラッシングパンプキン・デスマーチ )
  10. Throw (スロウ )
  11. Hakusei (剥製 =)
  12. ● seibutsu (●静物 )

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More info:
Official website
Victor Entertaiment YouTube

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