Hold on to your headsets, folks! The developers of the popular fighting game Tekken unveiled an exclusive downloadable content (DLC) collaboration tailored for Jrock fans. This DLC adds new characters to its latest game Tekken 8, including legends HYDE and GACKT, enabling players to battle both as—and against—their favorite visual kei artists.
Other visual kei artists join the roster, showcasing a diverse range of characters. Brace yourselves as Tatsurou of MUCC, Keisuke of DEVILOOF, and Kyounosuke of Kizu join the fray in the Tekken arena. It’s time to settle who the last rockstar will be once and for all.
Get ready for an electrifying game night, because this highly-anticipated DLC arrives on all major gaming platforms starting April 1. Dive into the action-packed world of visual kei Tekken with our exclusive first look.
- The visual kei DLC characters are selectable at the top, including HYDE, Keisuke, Tatsurou, Kyounosuke, and GACKT.Screenshot by NBT (JROCK NEWS)
Battle of the vocalists
If you like GACKT and HYDE mashups, you’re about to be over the moon, child. These Jrock heavyweights meet in yet another universe to face off in the King of the Iron Fist Tournament. Get ready to unleash their unique style and power on the battlefield.
- Two titans of their domain clash in an ultimate showdown.Screenshot by NBT (JROCK NEWS)
Considering GACKT’s extensive gaming background, like voicing “Genesis” in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, it’s no wonder he’s a perfect match for Tekken’s inaugural visual kei collaboration.
The divine reimagining of GACKT is simply of another world. His workout videos paid off in real life and the fighting ring!
He’s here to prove that he’s no vanilla main, dealing inescapable juggle damage far beyond redemption. This “senpai in the streets, magnum in the sheets” impresses with an arsenal of martial arts moves that could summon a legion of fangirls with a mere flex.
Lure opponents into your Secret Garden corner trap and link into his signature combo finisher, Misera-blow. Au revoir!
- Iconic musician GACKT is transformed into a stunning “Tekken” character!©TEKKEN™8. Development by TEKKEN PROJECT.
HYDE may not have a portfolio of game releases under his belt like GACKT, but he seemed like the natural counterpart to GACKT in this mashup.
In this teaser, we see HYDE, vamping it up for his Tekken 8 incarnation. Once again, the rockstar proves he can do more than sing, play guitar, and distill his own vodka—he’s here to bring Sex, Blood, and Rock n’ Roll to the ring.
HYDE wields a rainbow palette of attack options, like his devastating Uppercut Drivers that send opponents high into the air. With plenty of mix-ups like his Dive Kick to Blue overhead, he’s sure to leave his opponents blurry-eyed.
- Legendary musician HYDE gets a jaw-dropping transformation in the world of “Tekken”.©TEKKEN™8. Development by TEKKEN PROJECT.
An epic visual kei lineup
As promised, this bonus content doesn’t just bring HYDE and GACKT to the party—it throws in Tatsurou (MUCC), Keisuke (DEVILOOF), and Kyounosuke (Kizu) for good measure. We can only see their tiles on the character select screen, but we can tell that each character brings their own brand of brutality into the ring!
While the developers have kept their fighting styles and abilities under wraps, you’ll soon get to discover all the exciting details.
- The visual kei DLC characters for Tekken are now available on the official PlayStation Store and Steam.
More visual kei characters on the way?
With titans like HYDE and GACKT already in the mix, who knows what other visual kei characters might strut their stuff in future DLCs? But for now, let’s focus on pounding these rockstars into the ground in the fighting ring.
Whether you’re chilling with your buddies, cracking open a cold one for game night, or cracking open some virtual skulls with your knuckles, get ready to dive into this visual kei character pack when it drops on April 1. It’s bound to be a knockout experience! It will be available on all major online game stores.
Which Jrockers would you like to face off with in Tekken? Let us know in the comments!
Update 2024-04-02: Happy April Fool’s!