Taking place at the LINE CUBE SHIBUYA venue on October 28, Arlequin’s Cinematic Circus #004 -OPENING THE LAUGHING MAN- was their first performance in 8 months. For fans who missed the livestream on ZAIKO, we now have the opportunity to see snippets of the show in their latest concert teaser. This 14-minute long video includes three uplifting songs consisting of Eclipse, Tomoshibi, and Kimi to no Aida ni!
Setting the scene for their circus-themed show, the preview reveals a stage elaborately decorated with giant balloons, and a red and white striped circus tent. Trailing red bunting hung above the bouncing crowd as vocalist Aki thrust us into the brilliant Eclipse. This triggers the audience to swing their hair back and forth to the beat, as the bassist and guitarists get lost in the song’s atmosphere, freely moving across the stage and interacting with each other.
Acoustic song Tomoshibi calms the attendees down as they shine a light while waving their arms from side to side creating a sense of togetherness. Amongst the sea of light, the song felt all the more heartwarming, especially in regards to current circumstances involving the coronavirus measures where such crowds are rare to see.

Aki sings amongst the sea of lights from the audience.
The trailer then finishes on the bittersweet Kimi to no Aida ni that is bound to make you well up inside. The unity in the venue is at an all-time high and brings about a sense of euphoria.
The description of the video also contains a few words by vocalist Aki expressing how his feelings have changed through the band’s online activities:
At first, I thought that interacting through a screen was a one-way communication style, but actually online broadcasts through social media and YouTube allow us to share and exchange with our fans in real-time. After giving it a shot, it felt incredibly real, and the fact that fans can finally see us having fun while doing the few things that are possible at the moment is, for us as it is for them, a great source of motivation to live.
Arlequin also announced that they’ll release a best-of album with songs voted for by the fans and a music video collection in February 2021. So far, the details on the 22-track music video collection have been finalized except for a mystery music video at the very end.
- EclipseEclipse
- Stellaステラ
- Hakaana墓穴
- AliveAlive
- Dilemmaジレンマ
- Douke no Hana道化ノ華
- Qualiaクオリア
- Kyoukaisen境界線
- Karmaカルマ
- Kageboushi影法師
- Makka na Uso真っ赤な嘘
- Kachikan no Chigai wa Yuiitsu no Sukuidatta価値観の違いは唯一の救いだった
- puzzlepuzzle
- existexist
- Antidote.Antidote.
- RemRem
- Razzle Dazzleラズルダズル
- Ikione息の根
- Ikari怒り
- In The Mirrorイン・ザ・ミラー
- Ichijiku無花果