NAZARE will be disbanding at the beginning of next year after the NEMOPHILA tour final taking place at Shibuya WWWX on January 11, 2021. The band reached this conclusion after vocalist Mio expressed his wish to leave the band due to family issues. All four members had many discussions regarding the situation and ultimately decided to disband altogether instead.
On his personal message, Mio shares that family issues are not the only reason behind his decision but also his medical condition as he reveals that he’s been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and hysteria. Adding up all these problems caused Mio to be unable to stand on stage and sing as freely as before. Read his full statement as well as the band member’s final messages below.
- Vocalist Mio
- Guitarist Yoh
- Bassist Uta
- Drummer Issei
Vocalist Mio:
I can only apologize for the trouble this kind of announcement causes for our staff, supporters, and fans.
With the difficulties that arise from dealing with bipolar disorder and hysteria, coupled with heavy family matters… singing, standing on stage, and the responsibility of being in a band are too much for me right now.
One of the symptoms of my bipolar disorder is that my mental condition is very unstable, which makes standing on stage very difficult for me and hysteria presents itself in a way that means I can’t sing like I used to anymore. Based on these points, we made the decision.
I feel the best place to draw the line is after our tour final at Shibuya WWWX. Until then, I will try my best to fulfill my responsibilities as Mio of NAZARE.
We will soon go on tour, and I will probably cause some trouble for you all.
The time remaining is short, but I hope you will support us until the very end.
8-string guitarist Yoh:
NAZARE will end activities as a band after our one-man performance on January 11, 2021.
First of all, I’m very sorry if this news catches you by surprise, I didn’t want to just make this announcement.
On January 12 2019, we stood before you as “NAZARE” for the first time (excluding a secret show we performed) and our journey began. Including the time we spent preparing, it’s been about three years, and every day was tempestuous. It wasn’t always smooth sailing—there were plenty of rough days—but I had so many first experiences and I got to enjoy so many things as part of NAZARE. We were able to do so thanks to the support of so many people. Thank you so much.
There are still so many things I want to see with everyone, and dreams I want to make come true, but “Where there’s a beginning, there is also an end”. I thought this kind of saying still had no relation to me, and I didn’t think reality would change to the point where they did. Simply put, I’m sad.
We will embark on our “NEMOPHILA” tour next month. It will be NAZARE’s final tour. Despite the current coronavirus situation, we are preparing appropriately. I’m going to put my heart and soul into every single note, and give the tightest performance of each and every song while I play. You might wonder why I’m saying this kind of thing given the current situation, but please allow me to say it; the remaining number of shows is short, but please come to see NAZARE.
This is the end but if you can continue supporting Mio, Uta, and Issei in the future, too, I’d be very happy. They’re really great people, truly.
Bassist Uta:
I’m sorry that this announcement isn’t a happy one.
If I’m going to speak honestly, I’m just sad. I hoped there would be some way we could continue, but it just wasn’t possible.
Thank you so much for all your support. Our music will remain even once we’re gone, so please give NAZARE a listen.
Drummer Issei:
That’s it.
It can’t be helped.
If I think about it now, there really was nothing else like the four of us that made NAZARE.
We played a one-man at WEST for our one-year anniversary, and although we couldn’t perform at BLAZE due to corona, we will play at WWWX to mark our two-year anniversary.
Even in this short time, we released quite a few songs, right?
We did well.
I feel like we could have aimed even higher.
That’s for sure.