The doujin circle (self-published group) ELFENSJóN is currently hard at work in producing its upcoming music, however, it looks like we’re still not near its release date. But in the meantime, they’ve shared a few clips on Twitter for fans who are looking forward to the new content.
ELFENSJóN consists of the illustrator Ishizue Kachiru and is led by no other than composer Kurose Keisuke who previously been involved in the bands UROBOROS, and Asriel.
The gothic vibes previously found in Asriel are distinctly noticeable in the first teaser:
Progress is 1/100th of the way so, you might have a while to wait.
To be released in the not too distant future.
The second teaser is calmer and reveals a soothing and fantasy-like sound:
Sending one more thing out to those of you who are waiting for our new music, still a work-in-progress, but here it is!
Both audio clips have given the same title and description, revealing the mind-blowing secret information “Work in progress” as the title, and “The progress of a hardworking guy” as the description.
If you missed out on ELFENSJóN’s previous EPs EINHERJAR, and ASH OF ROUGE, know that they’re now also available digitally for your aural pleasure—purchase, and streaming.
We actually got our copies of the EPs at Comiket last year, handed by Kurose Keisuke himself. If you want to know more about that, see our experience at Japan’s biggest fan convention, Comiket.