The currently airing music anime “ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream!” is receiving a tasty new opening track SCATTER from the band GYROAXIA, the second band to be introduced in the ARGONAVIS anime series. This is the first single from these rockers and you can experience the personification of GYROAXIA through its violent riffs and deep sound. The new single is available in physical format and digitally through major platforms today.
While GYROAXIA appears as a band in the anime, they’re also a real band. This makes it quite special as not only do the voice actors play the characters in the anime, but they also play their own instruments in a real-life setting.
Bushiroad—the company behind the anime—is making some serious tunes with the help of talented rock artists like SHiNNOSUKE of “ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D” who is in charge of the lyrics, and they’re utilizing U.Z. of SPYAIR as the composer and arranger.
In addition to the main track, SCATTER features two B-side tracks and the audio drama “Chouten e no Sentaku”. The second track REVOLUTION has been composed and arranged by the rock singer ASH DA HERO, and also Kyohei Yamamoto who helped with the arrangement. The third track LIAR features further contributions from ASH DA HERO in the aspect of lyrics, composition, and arrangement.
Alternatively, there is a Blu-ray version available with the anime opening and ending music video featuring SCATTER, and LIAR respectively. The Blu-ray is also joined by footage of the GYROAXIA “MANIFESTO” and “Genjo Destruction” live movie.
Do yourself a favor and pick up these spicy new tracks today!
GYROAXIA members:
- Vocals: Nayuta Asahi (Ogasawara Jin)
- Guitar: Kenta Satozuka (Hashimoto Shinichi)
- Guitar: Reon Misono (Mano Takumi)
- Bass: Ryo Akebono (Akiya Hiroto)
- Drums: Miyuki Sakaigawa (Miyauchi Kousuke)
- Voice Drama "Chouten e no Sentaku"ボイスドラマ「頂点への選択」
- Anime ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! opening movie SCATTER (creditless version)アニメ『アルゴナビス from BanG Dream!』オープニング映像「SCATTER」ノンクレジットVer.
- Anime ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! ending movie LIAR (creditless version)アニメ『アルゴナビス from BanG Dream!』エンディング映像「LIAR」ノンクレジットVer.
- Argonavis 2nd LIVE GYROAXIA MANIFESTO Genjo Destruction LIVE movieArgonavis 2nd LIVE GYROAXIA「MANIFESTO」「現状ディストラクション」LIVE映像