KHRYST+ have announced that they will disband after their one-man performance on December 18, 2019. This performance was originally in celebration of their first anniversary, however, it will now be their last. Reading into their comments, there doesn’t seem to be one unified reason for the breakup.
Vocalist BYO didn’t go into specifics but states that he has no regrets and gives thanks to everyone from the bottom of his heart.
Guitarist QUINA says it wasn’t long before the word ‘disband’ came up in discussions, that he’s is full of regret. There is a feeling of incompleteness, and that KHRYST+ would be his final band and he will not be returning to the visual kei industry.
Bassist IЯU explains that the reason why they created the band vanished, there was a lack of balance in their activities which, in his opinion, is the main reason behind the disbandment and the important things in his private life increased, another reason why they may have decided to disband.
Drummer JIN’s statement brings up that the band was created by trial and error but lost their way in the end.
KHRYST+ was a band literally shrouded in mystery from the start as they originally revealed an artist photo with former SCREW vocalist BYO in view and smoke billowing up from behind him. Here the lights were dim and three silhouettes could be seen from within the darkness. There was also a timer on their website counting down to the eventual reveal on July 30, 2018. This saw former Nihilizm guitarist QUINA and bassist IЯU join the lineup with drummer JIN, BYO’s bandmate from SCREW.
In total, the band released one live-limited mini-album and one single.
Official statement:
To those who support KHRYST+
Thank you for always supporting KHRYST+.
KHRYST+ will disband after the one-man live on December 18, 2019. We are truly sorry for the sudden announcement and want to express our gratitude to the fans who have supported us up until now.
Also, the ‘1st ANNIVERSARY LIVE ‘KHRYST+ PARTY 2019” show will be renamed as ‘KHRYST+ LAST LIVE ‘THE KHRYST+”.
The time left is quite short, but we beg you for your support until the end.
September 17, 2019
KHRYST+ members and staff
Vocalist BYO:
The cross was much heavier to carry than I had thought, but there is no regret in taking on such stupid decisions.
To all the people who loved KHRYST+, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was really short, but really, thank you.
During these last few months, I would be happy if we could walk together on a path of roses until the end.
Guitarist QUINA:
We’ve been participating in activities for a bit less than a year and the word ‘disband’ was already being brought up in discussions.
It’s been a while since I returned to the stage and I felt a lot of things, but as expected, there was an ideal that in reality, we couldn’t reach or see the future within the limits of our activities leading to the decision to disband, a decision I couldn’t stop.
To the fans who supported us and to the people concerned who helped us, I am full of regret.
With the end of KHRYST+’s activities, I have decided that this band would be the last one I would join, therefore, I probably won’t return to the visual kei industry.
Through music, I met many people and I grew up thanks to that, but there is also this feeling of incompleteness that I still hope can be filled with what time we have left.
During the remaining time left, I want to meet you all, with all my strength and joy, so until the end, until December 18 as QUINA of KHRYST+, I am counting on you.
Bassist IЯU:
‘We did it all!’ is probably an inappropriate word, right?
Maybe saying that the reason why we created the band vanished would be correct.
The lack of balance in our band activities was, in my opinion, the main reason for the disbandment.
It had been two or three years since returning to the stage and I learned a lot and many things changed as well, but in the end, I felt many things.
At the same time and through the years, I noticed that the important things I wanted to protect and cherish in my private life increased little by little, more than I thought. Maybe it could also be one of the reasons why we decided to disband.
To fans who supported us, but also staff, our company president and everyone else who helped us, I can’t thank you enough.
But there won’t be a ‘see you next time’.
All I can do now is to fight on stage for everything left in my heart and soul, one by one.
On December 18th, I will leave everything there.
Let me share with you my gratitude to all the fans and staff I had the chance to meet. Please be with us until the end.
Drummer JIN:
I am really sorry for such a sudden announcement.
As JIN of KHRYST+, we started a new band by ‘trial and error’, it was a new attempt and a new challenge, but eventually, we lost our way.
We thought for a long time with members, but in the end, we chose the path of disbandment, the most painful for fans.
It has been a short year of activities but I am really grateful to the fans who supported us. I am so sorry it looks like a betrayal.
During the time left until December 18th, I will give you all my love. Please follow us until the end.
Thank you very much. BYO, QUINA, IЯU, thank you too, really.
More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Staff)
Twitter (BYO)
Twitter (QUINA)
Twitter (IЯU)
Twitter (JIN)
Instagram (BYO)
Instagram (QUINA)
Instagram (IЯU)
Instagram (JIN)