Visual kei band Develop One’s Faculties has unfortunately announced that they will disband after their one-man performance on December 20, the exact same day they formed back in 2014. The announcement came in the form of a photo with the members facing a wall and text above.
The band didn’t provide a specific reason behind the decision to disband but stated that they are truly grateful for the support. The translation of the announcement and disbandment announcement photo is as follows:
From Develop One’s Faculties to everyone:
Thank you for supporting Develop One’s Faculties.
Following the final date of Develop One’s Faculties ONEMAN TOUR [ ], on December 20, 2023, we will end activities as a band.
Since forming on December 20, 2014, the reason we’ve been able to achieve so much is because of all the support from you, our fans, and our staff. We are truly grateful.
Though our remaining time together is short, we’ll put our thanks and full effort into our performances. We hope we can count on your kind support until the very end.
October 1, 2023
Develop One’s Faculties will disband on their ninth anniversary, but they leave us with two final releases. The band will be dropping two final releases on October 14, the start date of their final one-man tour. The first release is a self-titled single, Develop One’s Faculties, which will be sold exclusively at live performances. You can check out a preview for the live-limited single Develop One’s Faculties below.
The second release is a best-of album simply titled Develop One’s Faculties BEST. The best-of album includes two discs worth of title tracks, live-limited songs, and main promotional songs from their past albums and mini-albums.
Leading up to their disbandment on December 20, the band Develop One’s Faculties had released an extensive catalog, including 11 singles, eight live-limited singles (four of which were joint collaborations with other bands), two mini-albums, three albums, one best-of album, and two video collections.
Accompanying their announcement, the band released updated artist photos.
- Asserter yuya
- Guitarist rui
- Bassist Hiromu
- Drummer Johannes
- Fresco wo Furu to Tenbin Yuretaフラスコを振ると天秤揺れた
- hopehope
- insert memoryinsert memory
- Seijou to wa正常とは
- Mura斑
- Kanjou Treatment感情トリートメント
- Melancholia na Seikatsuメランコリィな生活
- monochromonochro
- My WorldMy World
- Endlessエンドレス
- Unintelligibleアンインテリジブル
- Borderlineボーダーライン
- Schadenfreudeシャーデンフロイデ
- ephemeralephemeral
- Ao to Sora青と空
- Uitenpen wa Yononarai有為転変は世の習い
- Neeねえ
- peacepeace
- insomniainsomnia
- Noiseノイズ
- Jinrui人類
- memento morimemento mori
- Risou to Genjitsu理想と現実
- voicevoice