Adding to the mass of releases has MUCC announcing that a 20thanniversary tribute album TRIBUTE OF MUCC -en- is in the works, celebrating their time in the industry!

This will be in stores on November 22 and sees the likes of BAND-MAID covering Honey, sukekiyo covering Gerbera and lynch covering Bouzenjishitsu. This is amongst many other amazing bands and solo artists, taking the total song count amount to 22! It has also been confirmed that HYDE of L’Arc~en~Ciel and VAMPS fame has contributed in creating the cover illustration.

You can now hear a preview of it below and it’s honestly really cool to see each artists interpretation of their select song. You can also see just who is involved in the creation of this very special album there too!

MUCC『TRIBUTE OF MUCC -縁 [en]-』トレーラー映像

Tribute Of MUCC -en-




  1. Ranchuu (蘭鋳) by ROTTENGRAPHY
  2. Honey (ハニー) by BAND-MAID
  3. Saishuu Ressha (最終列車) by THE BACK HORN
  4. EMP by Ken (L’Arc-en-ciel)
  5. Gerbera (ガーベラ) by sukekiyo
  6. Obereru Sakana (溺れる魚) by gibiky gibiky gibiky
  7. Utagoe (謡声 (ウタゴエ)) by Kishidan
  8. I am Computer (アイアムコンピュータ) by POLYSICS
  9. Kaze to Taiyou (風と太陽) by cali≠gari
  10. Ryuusei (流星) by Plastic Tree
  11. Akatsuki Yami (暁闇) by SID


  2. Daikirai (大嫌い) by THE ORAL CIGARETTES
  3. Bouzenjishitsu (茫然自失) by lynch.
  4. Mr.Liar by Hysteric Panic
  5. Libra (リブラ) by Junko Yano
  6. Ieji (家路) by MERRY
  7. Aka (アカ) by DEZERT
  8. Heide (ハイデ) by ROACH
  9. Flight (フライト) by BREAKERZ
  10. Nirvana (ニルヴァーナ) by GRANRODEO
  11. Brilliant World (ブリリアント ワールド) by Sho Kiryuin of Golden Bomber

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

More info:
20th anniversary special site
Official Website (English)
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Twitter (Miya) (ミヤ)
Twitter (YUKKE) (ゆっけ)
Twitter (SATOchi) (SATOち)

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