girugamesh have just completed their final tour which took the band to a total of seven countries, consisting of twelve dates over a period of two and a half weeks. All that’s left is their one-man live at Zepp DiverCity on July 10 before disbanding, after going strong for twelve years! Luckily, JROCK NEWSÂ was able to interview them before their intense live performance in London. Please do check it out.
We also conducted a pre-tour interview where we discussed their latest album chimera, you can read it here in case you missed out!
Before we start, JROCK NEWS would like to thank you and GAN-SHIN for this opportunity to interview you. Please start by introducing yourself along with a catchphrase that expresses your personality.
Satoshi: I’m Satoshi on vocals and I like anime. [Everyone laughs]
ShuU: I’m ShuU on bass and I like girls.
Ryo: I’m Ryo, drummer of girugamesh and I like ramen, girls and music.
Nii: I’m Nii on guitar and I’m always happy, that’s what I’m good at.
How has your European tour been so far?
Everyone: We’ve done four shows so far, and everything has gone smoothly.
What moment on has stood out to you on this tour?
Nii: Well, nothing in particular has really stood out as of yet. This is our last time performing in Europe so it’s very important that we go into every show with a lot of energy. At least it’s a great sign that nothing bad has happened to us, right?
Is there anything you have experienced that reminds you of the UK?
Ryo: We’ve always performed at the same venue (O2 Academy Islington) when we come to London. We haven’t played in any other venue here, so I wished that we could’ve been able to play in another venue at least.
What do you hope to possibly achieve in these last few performances?
Nii: Hm… That’s a really tough question. But we definitely don’t want to have any regrets so that’s why we want to make sure we do everything properly.
What does girugamesh mean to you?
Ryo: Like… a family. Yeah, family! [Everyone laughs]
Ok, so basically like a family?
Everyone: Well that’s basically it, yes. [Big laughter]
Let’s move on. Back when girugamesh formed 12 years ago, did you ever think the band would achieve such popularity both in your home country and overseas?
Ryo: We first started out when we were still in high school and now we’re here, that’s all because our love for music turned into something serious, something that was important to us. It just happened without us even realizing it.
There are few bands that reach the twelve-year mark, even more so ten, what would you say has kept you going for so long?
Nii: What is it? I’m not sure myself. [Everyone laughs]
We didn’t come this far without any quarrels, that’s however how we managed to strengthen our bond as a band which kept us going until this day.
Like being in a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship?
[Everyone laughs and agrees]
What was the reason behind picking up your respective instrument?
Ryo: Do you know [the arcade game]Â Drum Mania?
Ryo: I was really good at it so that’s why I started to play drums, while also trying out different instruments around the same time, which led me to where I am now.
Nii: I actually started out playing bass but I didn’t really understand it compared to the guitar, which was much easier. I was also told that the guitar looks cool.
ShuU: I choose the bass because it fits my personality. [Everyone laughs]
Satoshi: I was invited to go see my friend perform in high school and they asked me to come on stage and sing two songs, that’s what started it all.
What was your first impression when meeting the members of the bands. We know Ryo and Nii are brothers, but how about the other two?
Nii: Eh! [Everyone laughs] Without even realizing, ShuU and I have always been together since we were kids. That’s why it feels like we’ve always known each other.
Ryo: As for me, as a younger brother, I’ve also got along with my older brother’s (Nii’s) friends playing baseball. So it’s really hard to remember since we go way back.
Nii: When we first met Satoshi however, he was very polite and did everything as he was told, I joke you not.
Satoshi: It was a good first impression! [Everyone laughs]
Nii: You only get one “first impression” after all.
Throughout the band’s existence, your sound changed on numerous occasions so what motivated you to change it to the stage you currently are at now?
Ryo: How should I answer? There was never really an intention to “change our sound”, but it was mainly to do with what we liked, what we were inspired by the time, and what we thought would have worked. girugamesh is all about hard rock so whatever made sense for the band is what we strived to produce, and that’s probably why others saw it as a change, which was something gradual for us.
How did you come to the decision that this was the best time to stop girugamesh’s legacy and what are your feelings towards it?
ShuU: It feels right at this moment, doesn’t it? We’re in the best condition right now, before we start hating each other. We want to avoid that and we feel that we have put everything we could into girugamesh.
Do you feel you have accomplished all your goals as girugamesh or was there something more you wanted to express?
Ryo: Actually, yes. As a band, four of us together, we feel like we’ve done it all. After this, we’ll go our separate ways and still continue to follow our dreams as individuals but as girugamesh, we’ve achieved everything we’ve hoped for.
Is the dream to continue with music or something else you want to try?
Ryo: There are a few things I want to try, but I’ll never stop making music! Even while touring now, I’m thinking about what I can do next.
Can you tell us a little about the new song that will be revealed at your last live?
Ryo: We’re still making it. [Everyone laughs] It’s really hard to answer.
Do you at least know what type of song it will be?
Staff: girugamesh! [Everyone laughs]
Ryo: I’m really thinking about it because we have so many songs ranging from metalcore to beautiful ballads.
Like the song “Arrow”.
Ryo: Yeah, like that one. So I can’t say, sorry.
Before signing off, please give a message to our readers.
Nii: For the last two years, we’ve been in Europe so thank you very much for the support from the fans here. girugamesh may be disbanding but please continue to listen to our songs.
Ryo: I’m the same. [Laugh] I will keep updating my YouTube channel, and I’ll try something… Anyways, please look forward to what will come!
ShuU: The UK has a special place in my heart because when we started out as a band, we never thought we would be able to come and perform here so that’s great and even after girugamesh has disbanded, I’ll probably come back here for a holiday. Fans should definitely keep a watchful eye over what we will continue to do afterward.
Satoshi: I want to express my thanks to everyone who has enjoyed our music and have supported us all this time. I’m not sure if I’ll continue doing music, but I love singing so if the opportunity arises, I’ll definitely let everyone know.
We hope to see more material from you guys in the future. We wish you all the best of luck and look forward to seeing what you have planned for the future!
Once again, we would like to express our thanks to girugamesh for taking some time out to conduct this interview, GAN-SHIN for making this possible and to the readers who have come this far.
More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Satoshi)
Twitter (Shuu)
Twitter (Nii&Ryo)
Twitter (BigBear)
Vine (Nii&Ryo)