Gero‘s new fourth upcoming single titled “My Sweet Heaven♂♀” used in the OVA of the anime “BROTHERS CONFLICT” will be released November 26. As always with Gero, he incorporate comedy and silliness to his music, and this music video is no exception! Stick around till the end to see the short skit!

What’s interesting about this release is that the main track is composed by the praised (vocaloid) music circle HoneyWorks. In case you never heard about HoneyWorks, essentially they’re a music doujin circle that mostly writes songs with positive energy which features love story lyrics, stories which the listener usually can relate to, or sometimes envy.

HoneyWorks – “Friday’s Good Morning” (with English subtitles, to clearly understand the lyrics.):

Honeyworks ft. GUMI - "Friday's Good Morning" 金曜日のおはよう (English Subtitles)

The female perspective of this song is called “Friday’s Good Morning -another story-“.

Gero himself used to be a utaite before his debut, thus a collaboration like this wasn’t too surprising, but still very appreciating as this brings more light to the growing doujin community into the mainstream media.

Buy at CDJapan

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