The third long-awaited story in ELFENSJóN’s thrilling line-up has made its appearance through STYX, a full-length album containing 10 tracks along with a second disc that brings five beautifully arranged piano songs. The album won’t be out until November 11, but you will have a chance to pre-order it starting today until October 3, in regular and limited edition.
Disc 1 – 3rd STORY “STYX”
Promoting the main side of STYX—disc 1—is an album preview and a gorgeously crafted music video LUNATIC MIRAGE, a song taken from the album itself. LUNATIC MIRAGE is currently available as a stand-alone single and can be purchased digitally through bandcamp, Amazon, or iTunes.
To get the physical full album on November 11, make sure to pre-order your copy through Diverse Direct. The webpage is foreign-friendly and ships worldwide.
LUNATIC MIRAGE music video:
Additionally, if you’ve been following the story since the unit’s first releases, we recommend getting the limited edition as it comes with an artbook that delivers more detailed information. Judging from the current information on the website, the limited edition will mainly be available for purchase during the pre-order period: September 16 to October 3.
- Limited edition goods: Special case, artbook, tin badges, acrylic keyholder.
- Regular edition.
Album STYX preview:
The stunning visuals are drawn by illustrator Ishizue Kachiru (石据カチル), while the gothic and fantasy-like music is composed by Kurose Keisuke (黒瀬圭亮), formerly in UROBOROS, and Asriel. The two make up the core members of ELFENSJóN with the rest of the contributors of the album being guest artists.
This time around, ELFENSJóN has recruited twin vocals provided by okogeeechann and Kazuya Fujita, both having taken part in ASH OF ROUGE, the “2nd story”, from last year. Other familiar contributors include guitarist Myu, violinist YUU, and ORYO who was in charge of the mix and mastering.
A few new names popped up too, including guitarist Kenshiro, bassist kakeyan, keyboardist Yoshiteru Okada, and clocknote. who was responsible for the package design.
Disc 2 – PianoInst-EP- “A.NAMNESIS”
The second disc included within the album is A.NAMNESIS, an instrumental EP focusing on piano arranged songs selected from ELFENSJóN’s past works: EP EINHERJAR, and EP ASH OF ROUGE. All of the songs are gracefully performed by Yoshiteru Okada.
The circle’s name “ELFENSJóN” is inspired by the German language and comprises of “ELF” (Eleven) and “SJóN” (Vision), describing it as:
Depicting a realistic world at the end of time, both beautiful and cruel. The creation of a work, bringing a new vision.
In other words, ELFENSJóN offers a symphonic fantasy direction in terms of its thematic sound, at the same time, jumping between rock, metal, and even djent. If you’ve listened to UROBOROS or Asriel before, you will feel right at home as ELFENSJóN offers the same type of mysterious and storytelling-like music.
- Gensou wa aoki tsuki to narite幻奏は蒼き月となりて
- Tsumeato爪痕
- Sora ga ochiru hi made空が堕ちる日まで
- Okibi no hate熾火の果て
- Shinen wo yomu mono深淵を詠む者 (from EINHERJAR / Pf Arrange ver)
- ORPHEUSORPHEUS (from ASH OF ROUGE / Pf Arrange ver)
- Keika螢火 (from EINHERJAR / Pf Arrange ver)
- Yasou夜葬 (from ASH OF ROUGE / Pf Arrange ver)
- Yurikago no souka揺籠の葬歌 (from EINHERJAR / Pf Arrange ver)
- Gensou wa aoki tsuki to narite幻奏は蒼き月となりて
- Tsumeato爪痕
- Sora ga ochiru hi made空が堕ちる日まで
- Okibi no hate熾火の果て
- Shinen wo yomu mono深淵を詠む者 (from EINHERJAR / Pf Arrange ver)
- ORPHEUSORPHEUS (from ASH OF ROUGE / Pf Arrange ver)
- Keika螢火 (from EINHERJAR / Pf Arrange ver)
- Yasou夜葬 (from ASH OF ROUGE / Pf Arrange ver)
- Yurikago no souka揺籠の葬歌 (from EINHERJAR / Pf Arrange ver)
- Special A5-sized caseA5サイズ箔入り専用収納ケース
- 3 limited tin badges限定缶バッチ3種
- 1 limited acrylic keyholder限定アクリルキーホルダー1種
- Fully colored, 32 pages, A5 size, includes music video illustrationsフルカラー/32P/A5サイズ/MVイラスト
- 10 pieces of sketches没ラフ、描き下ろしイラスト10P
- Character drawings, liner notes, etc.キャラ設定、ライナーノーツ等収録