MIYAVI, the living guitar legend, has set the stage for his next “MIYAVI Virtual” real-time performance! Previously, these lives took place on LINE LIVE, with Twitch and Weibo serving as platforms for international fans. However, this time Crunchyroll will have the honor of hosting an exclusive live performance, straight from MIYAVI’s in-home studio. The show starts at 18:00 PST on July 16, but you’ll want to come early to catch the Q&A on Crunchyroll’s Instagram account before the stream. So be sure to make room for both events in your schedule!
Let’s check out some highlights from one of MIYAVI’s virtual lives while we wait for his next performance!
- Crunchyroll’s “MIYAVI Virtual” promo.
In case you’ve been living under a rock, the artist launched “MIYAVI Virtual” on May 10, with the cyberpunk music video for Holy Nights as the first release of the project. After postponing his tour due to the coronavirus pandemic, he surprised fans with a live on YouTube and announced more virtual shows to come on the dates from the postponed tour. All in all, it’s a simple yet highly engaging way to stay connected with fans during these turbulent times.