We first reported the hint MIYAVI posted on Instagram amongst the Maleficent crew in 2018, alongside a mention on IMDb that he would be playing a character named “Udo”. A new trailer for Maleficent Mistress of Evil has been posted on Disney’s YouTube, and personally, it’s something I would go to the cinema for when it comes out on October 18, 2019. The visuals are stunning, Angie Jolie with her angular jawbones are on point, and I’ll be there to heckle in the audience when MIYAVI pops on screen. I shall apologize in advance for the racket I may cause.
Although MIYAVI makes no obvious appearance in the trailer, an all-white angelic figure hidden in the shadows of the last scene has lead to many Miyavi fans speculating this to be him due to facial similarities.
Even without MIYAVI’s presence regarded, it looks damn good so I recommend you take a look and jump onto the evil witch hype train:
I’m eager to see what MIYAVI will do in this film. What part do you think he will play? One of the underground evil-looking cave dwellers, a servant boy, or perhaps a soldier in Maleficent’s army? Let us know your guess in the comments below.
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