Chanty had recently announced at their fourth anniversary live on December 21 that they would be releasing their second full album in 2018, but it is now when the band unveils some details about it. The album has been entitled Chanty no Sekai e Youkoso 2 (Chantyの世界へようこそ), which translates as Welcome to Chanty’s World. Expect the continuation of their first full album on February 28!
The tracklist, cover artwork, and pre-order links are yet to be disclosed. However, the band made available a music video and their new profile pictures. The music video features an album version of their live-distributed single Anata Dake wo Kowashite Kazatte Mitai (貴方だけを壊して飾ってみたい), originally released back in March 2016. Watch it below and don’t forget to take a look at the individual artist photos of the members:
- Vocalist Akuta
- Guitarist Chitose
- Bassist Taku
- Drummer Naruto
More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Akuta(芥))
Twitter (Chitose (千歳))
Twitter (Taku (野中拓))
Twitter (Naruto (成人))
Blog (Akuta (芥))
Blog (Chitose (千歳))
Blog (Taku (野中拓))