Ahoy there readers! Are you ready to discover some new jrock bands? Today we will be showing you three visual kei bands; RAINDIA, VIVALET, and Noulla. We’ve had a rough year with many of our much loved bands disbanding, but it’s not all doom and gloom because there’s always fresh ones emerging with heated passion to bust your eardrums wide open. Check out what we have on offer today, starting with RAINDIA:



RAINDIA is a visual kei band which formed in 2014 and this five piece band includes vocalist, Miyoshi Ken (三好健), guitarist Takahiro (孝浩) and S, bassist Ryuu (龍), and drummer Tsubasa (翼) who was the student of Satoshi from DIV. One of our writers describe them as “DEZERT-kei”, so let that be an idea of what their sound is like. Other similar bands are DAMY or BUK BUK, so check these guys out if you enjoy these bands.

Curiously, their official Twitter has a note saying “Official Twitter death. 2017.6.17″… We have no idea what this means, but they do have a preview of their upcoming single “Trash juice” (only the least pleasant thing on earth) which can be seen below:

2016.11.30 Release RAINDIA - トラッシュジュウス (Trash juice) 45sec spot

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Another visual kei band for those who prefer heavier tunes as they produce metalcore and nu metal sounds. This five-man band is formed of vocalist MARY (ex-UNRAVE), RYOSUKE and YUKICHI on guitar, bassist TAKUYA and drummer DAIKI. They have released seven singles and two albums since their debut in 2013, so we expect to see more work coming from this seemingly hardworking band.

『2度目の絶望とSuicide ceremony』 SPOT

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Noulla is very fresh to the scene as they have yet to make their debut show “DAWN OF MY DEAR DESPAIR” which is scheduled  next month on December 16.The band is formed of vocalist zin, guitar kei and TEM and bassist Rin (鈴). Their first EP Kuroi Akatsuki no Shanikusai (黒い暁の謝肉祭) will be out November 30, and they have released the preview of it below. Expect dramatic and gothic sounds laced with neoclassical vocals and growls.

Noulla 「黒い暁の謝肉祭」 Trailer

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