Unfortunate news for fans of Faze. The band will say sayonara to two of its original members in the coming moths. First bassist hiro. will withdraw following their free one-man live on July 27, at Shinjuku RUIDO K4. Then guitarist halto will make his exit following his birthday presents live on September 11, at Sendai SPACE ZERO. The two members’ comments regarding their departure have been translated below:

First I’d like to apologize for the sudden news.

The decision to withdraw stems from a variety of reasons, but the main cause is that my goals have deviated from that of the other members. To everybody I’ve met through my time in Faze and those who supported me, thank you!

My remaining time in the band is short, but while I’m still a member of Faze I will try as hard as possible to repay your support on stage.

So bring as much passion as I do until the end!!

— hiro.

On Septmber 11 I will withdraw from Faze.
It has become difficult for me to continue as a member of Faze due to family matters.

I’m deeply sorry for the sudden announcement.

To the fans who supported me, the officials involved with Faze’s activities and the members, thank you.

For the remaining three months and until the last day, thank you in advance.

— halto

Bassist hiro.

Bassist hiro.

Guitarist halto

Guitarist halto

It’s not favorable news, especially since they seemed to be gaining more momentum this year. But we wish hiro, halto, and the other members well. If you’d like to show them your love and support, then attend any of the several lives scheduled on their official website.

Faze free one-man

Date: July 27, 2016 (Wed)
Venue: Shinjuku RUIDOK4
Time: Open 18:00 / start 18:30
Tickets: Free

Faze — Fire Night vol.12 ~halto birthday~

Date: September 11, 2016 (Sun)
Venue: Sendai space zero
Tickets: In advance 3200 / day of 3700
Purchase tickets: eplus

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Akito (暁人))
Twitter (halto)
Twitter (sho)
Twitter (hiro.)
Twitter (KG)
Blog (Akito (暁人))
Blog (halto)
Blog (sho)
Blog (hiro.)
Blog (KG)

Soure: Faze’s Blog
Translations: Midnight XII

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