te ‘ will be releasing their first ever mini-album titled “Shikimi” (閾) yesterday on April 6, what made us chuckle was the one character title as their names tend to be very lengthy. Placed next to the song from the the release “Uteki wa juuryoku o shinkou shi, sono kiseki wa kan’nou o tomonai sekai o “suna” de ouu.” (雨滴は重力を信仰し、その軌跡は官能を伴い世界を『紗』で覆う。) then you’ll understand what we mean. In fact, this song featuring TAKAGAKI from chouchou merged syrups, has just had it’s music video released so check it out:

te' / 雨滴は重力を信仰し、その軌跡は官能を伴い世界を『紗』で覆う。【Official Music Video】



Regular edition 1700 yen


  1. “Memai”. (『眩暈』 。)
  2. Uteki wa jūryoku o shinkō shi, sono kiseki wa kan’nō o tomonai sekai o “sha” de ōu. (雨滴は重力を信仰し、その軌跡は官能を伴い世界を『紗』で覆う。)
  3. Kajōna hōjun ga taihaidearu yō ni, kin’yoku mo yogireba tōsui ni “ 溺 ” Reru. (過剰な豊潤が退廃である様に、禁欲も過ぎれば陶酔に『溺』れる。)
  4. Gutai o nugisute sensei o hanateba, uitenpen wa “kyo-tai” no yume ni shūren su. (具体を脱ぎ捨て潜勢を放てば、有為転変は『虚体』の夢に収斂す。)
  5. Chōtaku shita rinen wa oto ni yadori, kanju suru chōshū o “shikkoku” kara kaihō suru. (彫琢した理念は音に宿り、感受する聴衆を『桎梏』から開放する。)

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