Unfortunate news has been shared to us from AvelCain this weekend, the band will be breaking up after three years of activities. The news was announced after the band ‘s one-man live this past March 12. AvelCain’s last live together as a band will be on July 27 at Nagoya DIAMOND HALL.

If that wasn’t enough bad news for everyone, guitarist Kaede has also announced that AvelCain will be his last band, and thus plans to retire from the music industry.

AvelCain formed on February of 2013 and gained a pretty solid following overseas. After a couple of members had left the band, they had recently acquired a new drummer, and even released two singles consecutively in the months of January and February of this year. However, it seems things weren’t going as the band had expected. It is still unknown if the band will release a final CD, but of they do, we’ll keep you guys informed.

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Karma)
Twitter (Kaede)
Twitter (Zen)
Twitter (Byou)
Twitter (Seiko)
Blog (Karma)
Blog (Kaede)
Blog (Zen)
Blog (Seiko)

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