MeteoroiD「鳥籠ノ沙羅双樹ハ死華ノ花」MV SPOT

On September 2, newly reborn again band MeteoroiD released their latest single Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana. The rebirth of METEOROID into MeteoroiD refers to the change in concept and in look, to suit a heavier and darker style, compared to the lighter and more softer style that used to be METEOROID. MeteoroiD even added guitarist Mikado, after departure of guitarist Yutori during their METEOROID days. With all this in mind, I already have a general interpretation of what I can expect from this single, but let’s see if this single is just as dark and heavy, and carries the same torch as their recent singles.

MeteoroiD's recent look

MeteoroiD’s recent look

First off is the titles, Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana meaning “a twin sal tree birdcage is a flower of death”, and Myaku Tokei meaning “vein clock”. How do you guys interpret these song titles? I’m sure this would be different for each person, but the titles already give off an ominous heavy vibe in my opinion.

Delving deeper past the song titles, I find that the first song Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana is just as ominous sounding as I thought it would be. Vocalist Genki sustains falsetto through a majority of this track with growls splattered here and there, accompanied by heavy riffs and drumming. The bass lines fit gracefully in between different segments of the heavy guitar and beats of the drum. All in all, from the beginning of this track I found myself quite intrigued. For one, the falsetto chorus fits the track very well and is gives the song a different feel from the rest of their music up until this point, and the setting of the music video in a forest emphasize the somber and tranquil nature of the song. I would already have to say that this song was a great selection as their title track and am enthused to hear more.


MeteoroiD「背徳者に敬礼を」Music Video


Furthermore, their second song Myaku Tokei starts off with a celebratory “baka”, meaning “idiot” and I’m already psyched to hear more. It’s the small things that make you happy. The drumming and riffs carry on in a heavy style however, looking back at the last track there are no growls or falsetto, showcasing different vocals techniques from track to track. In addition, the clock can be heard clicking periodically through the song, staying consistent with the title, how neat is that?!

In the end, MeteoroiD maintained an all around heavy melody throughout both tracks but with a different singing style per song, to give you an array of Genki’s vocal abilities. I would have to say that the first track is my favorite, and the second follows suit, but not to the same degree as the first. I think I also enjoyed hearing their new sound in a ballad type setting with Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana, and I’m already eager to hear what they cook-up next!

Torikago no Sarasouju wa Shinibana no Hana 1

Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana

Regular edition 1200 yen


  1. Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana
  2. Myaku Tokei

Buy at CDJapan or Amazon

Torikago no Sarasouju wa Shinibana no Hana 2

Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana

Limited edition 1200 yen


  1. Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana


  1. Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana (Music Video)

Buy at CDJapan

Did anyone else listen to MeteoroiD’s latest single Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana? What did you think about it? Please let us know in the comments below!

More info:
Official Website
Official Blog 
Twitter (Genki (幻鬼))
Twitter (Mikado (帝))
Twitter (Machi (真蜘))
Twitter (Ral (螺琉))
Twitter (Tomoya (朋夜))

A Review of Darker Times with Meteoroid's "Tori Kago no Sarasoju wa Shika no Hana"
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4.4Overall Score
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