As a part of the 20th anniversary of the praised anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, Hakuto, a civilian space team from Japan has set plans to pierce the moon using the signature weapon: Spear of Longinus. The plan is to send an unmanned spaceship to the moon and land it, then finally pierce the moon with a miniature replica of the spear while capturing the event with the help of rovers.
Basically, the team is aiming towards making a reenactment to the lingering scene where the Evangelion Unit-00 hurled the spear into Earth’s orbit, killing an enemy (angel) resulting in the spear floating aimlessly in space until it eventually lands on the moon.
To make this happen, the team have setup a crowfunding site where they are asking for 100 million yen (about $1 Million USD) which is needed to successfully make this into reality! Rewards include spear replicas, t-shirts, posters etc.
Project due date is set to April 5 and by now 35% of the goal has already been reached! If the campaign goes accordingly, the space launch will be by the end of 2015 and the end of 2016.
First video is a trailer of the “Project to Pierce the Moon With the Spear of Longinus Committee”. Second clip comes from the famous scene where the Spear of Longinus was hurled into space.
Update: The crowdfunding project did unfortunately not reach its goal, it finished at 54 percent.
More info:
ReadyFor – Crowdfunding Site (Japanese) [Translation can be found here]
Evangelion Website
Source: RocketNews24