The hard rock waitstaff of BAND-MAID conquered the west on their 10th ANNIVERSARY TOUR, wrapping up the North American leg in Mexico City on August 18. JROCK NEWS reporters Jonathan Lane and Nori made a few long-distance hauls to Minneapolis, Denver, and Sacramento to recon the musical domination and melted faces for the loyal “Masters and Princesses” fanbase. Read on as they eagerly compare notes, playback their memories, and lay out a scene-by-scene debrief for all three shows!
Nori: So Jon, you flew out Minneapolis and Denver, whereas I hit up Sacramento. To me, BAND-MAID seemed more comfortable, off-the-cuff, and relaxed in commanding the stage. Maybe it’s because my date was toward the end of the North American run, and the maids had hit a stride from all the touring. Don’t get me wrong–they were also phenomenal in 2022. They radiate sincerity at every show. Their professionalism and charm just elevates with more and more overseas exposure.
What were your takeaways from the 10th ANNIVERSARY TOUR? Can you recall some key differences between this year’s tour and the one from 2022?
Jon: I agree completely with your comments. This was also true of the earlier shows. This band gets better and better. Ever since the shows I attended in 2019 and 2022, the maids have been increasingly confident, professional, and nearly perfect in their musical delivery. They truly felt at home in the US and managed to have so much fun. Each member even spoke up in English and overcame her shyness!
At both shows, my impression was that the audience had more first-time attendees and new fans this year. This could have been because BAND-MAID broke ground in several new cities. The average age of the crowds may have been younger too. In any case, the enthusiasm was as high as ever.
What did you think of the setlist? What were your favorite songs?
- BAND-MAID heats up the night at Ace of Spaces in SacramentoFG5
Nori: I loved that it picked up where we left off last year, with DOMINATION. Looking over all three shows, I think I lucked out! BAND-MAID surprised Sacramento with the live debut of Shambles. Everyone had expected the night to end on NO GOD again and was blown away upon discovering that SAIKI had one more in the chamber.
Sacramento also got Moratorium, an “S-tier” song for me and for a lot of fans. At about 20 songs, this year’s set was even meatier than last year’s.
Jon: Yes, I saw that and was just a tiny bit jealous but happy for the west coast Masters and Princesses. In 2022, the five shows I went to each had a few changes. The two back-to-back shows I attended last week were, interestingly, almost identical. The only difference was the 12th song: In Minneapolis, it was Different; in Denver, it was Sense. I’d love to ask SAIKI or MIKU about that switch!
Across the two shows, my favorites were alone, Sayonakidori, from now on, HATE?, and endless Story. These aren’t necessarily my favorite BAND-MAID songs but ended up being the ones I most enjoyed live this time.
Nori: Oh, right! Pretty juicy how DICE segued straight into HATE?, which then cut away to a guitar and bass battle between KANAMI and MISA. They did this on Don’t you tell ME too. They’ve thrown in impromptu solo sections in the past, but I don’t remember the two extensively dueling back and forth until now. Would love to see more of this on other tunes, maybe with AKANE jumping in next time.
What did you think of all their musical prowess and showmanship? You’ve caught them live since 2019, so you can probably comment on how their theatrics have evolved.
- KANAMI and MISA throw down an epic guitar and bass duelFG5
Jon: I loved that transition. Furthermore, KANAMI, MISA and AKANE, individually masterful, felt more in sync with one another. Determined MIKU caught up with this elite trio. Her guitar work on Sayonakidori stood out as passionately as her vocals. I was quite impressed by her solo.
MIKU also carried her weight on from now on. No one seeing BAND-MAID for the first time would suspect she couldn’t play guitar when the band formed. Both times I witnessed this song, it woke up the crowd with this “all hands on deck” delivery. There was so little time to catch a breath during the packed three-and-a-half minutes, the music felt much grander than its actual runtime. If there’s one song that sounded even better than its already great recorded take, it may have been from now on.
- MIKU flaunts her on-point rhythm guitar work with her signature Zemaitis guitarFG5
Nori: I glanced at KANAMI as the intro track cued the song. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths like a karate master processing her emotions before a kata. There was this moment of serenity before the storm, and I was really moved by how connected she became to the music.
Jon: Yes! Even though KANAMI is always so energetic, she’s rarely had this much of an “out of body” experience. She looked exhausted from the energy she put into this song!
- KANAMI pours her soul into each searing soloFG5
Nori: Drilling down into gear nerd territory; did you know KANAMI ditched her Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier tube amp and toured off a tiny Line 6 HX Stomp digital modeler and an Orange Pedal Baby solid state power amp? It’s not her usual backline, but her tone was still phenomenal.
Jon: I saw that on her Instagram! I’m sure not having to haul that massive amp head lightens up the load when setting up and tearing down.
As these were my 11th and 12th Okyujis I expected to be ready to move on from MIKU’s “Omajinai Time”. I was not. It was as entertaining as ever, thanks to deliberate, playful interjections by the other band members, followed by MIKU’s faux petulance and her insistence that this most important part of the show proceeded. Demanding 100% compliance with her call-and-response, she admonished the crowd, “I can see your faces better than you think. You have only two choices: Join… or join!”
- MIKU’s “Omajinai Time” banter connects with the audience every timeFG5
Beyond just going out of their way to fluster MIKU, AKANE, KANAMI, and MISA also impressed by playing a few bars on one another’s instruments.
- AKANE rocks out with KANAMI’s guitar as MISA looks onFG5
Nori: Yeah, they did this in Sacramento too! MIKU was about to make the segment all about her, and this rattle of double bass kicks drowned her out. Turns out it was AKANE at her drum set and KANAMI sitting on top of her, pretending to bang out some fills.
Sounds like we both caught some quality antics from BAND-MAID despite the different cities. Speaking of which, how were the venues you visited?
- AKANE makes her lightning-fast double bass kicks seem so easyFG5
Jon: The Summit in Denver had some open space toward the rear. I believe The Varsity in Minneapolis sold out. Capacities were within a couple hundred of each other, but I stood in two entirely different spots, about 15 rows back and all the way stage left in Minneapolis and on the rail and stage right in Denver. I could still hear everyone’s voices and instruments clearly on both dates.
It was nice that the venues were on city streets and were easily accessible. The Varsity’s Dinkytown neighborhood was walkable and provided dozens of local joints to grab a snack or take breaks before or after the show.
BAND-MAID crowds tend to be tame and friendly outside the venue, and safely raucous once inside, chanting, singing along, and roaring with approval by the end of each song. Strangers with newfound or burnished love of BAND-MAID in common were quick to converse.
- Minneapolis fans at Varsity Theater admire BAND-MAID’s virtuosityFG5
Nori: Nice. This was my second time at the Ace of Spades in Sacramento, and I hadn’t realized how scorching the temperatures remain well into the night. Likewise, the fans chatted, welcomed, and took extra precaution to keep an eye out for any roughhousing. I always appreciated the inclusiveness of this audience.
I was also touched by how the crowd focused on BAND-MAID purely as musicians. A rock and roll lifer professed, “I’ve been listening to music since the 60s, and to me KANAMI represents the greatest composer since Jimmy Page.” A younger newbie dug in a few feet in front of MISA and shared, “Dude, I’m a bassist, and I just have to see her switch from pick to slap up close. That MISA can play.”
- MISA shows her new fans just what it means to be a world-class bassistFG5
Jon: Overall, we can agree that BAND-MAID knocked the 10th ANNIVERSARY TOUR in North America out of the park! As I’m sure MIKU, SAIKI, KANAMI, MISA, and AKANE will keep charging ahead, what are you looking forward to seeing from them in the future?
Nori: This tour was so much fun, and I hope we can share the joy for years to come. On the next US visit, I’d like them to swing by Mountain View or San Jose. This is closer to the heart of Silicon Valley, and I’m sure a tour date or two would appeal to a diverse and growing fanbase.
Another pie-in-the-sky dream would be bringing their acoustic set stateside. We got a partial sampling on this tour with Memorable and anemone, totally out of left field! Will the maids bring my favorite Wonderland back into the program next time?
Jon: It’s evident they give so much thought to setlists and concert production. A good way to engage might be to survey the fans and have them vote on their top, say, three songs. I recall the rock unit SCANDAL ran a survey like this for a recent anniversary, and it went over well.
I second your motion on an acoustic set. My own pie-in-the-sky wish is to hear a few BAND-MAIKO arrangements. Since the costume change into BAND-MAID’s alter ego would be challenging, I would still be happy to see these performed in maid outfits.
Whatever BAND-MAID chooses to do in the future, I have faith it will be great!
- BAND-MAID tears down Summit Music Hall in Denver FG5
BAND-MAID at Varsity Theater, Minneapolis, Sunday, August 6, 2023
- glory
- alone
- Play
- Unleash!!!!!
- Choose me
- Sayonakidori
- from now on
- Manners
- Different
- Daydreaming
- Memorable
- After Life
- Screaming
- endless Story
BAND-MAID at Summit Music Hall, Denver, Tuesday, August 8, 2023
- glory
- alone
- Play
- Unleash!!!!!
- Choose me
- Sayonakidori
- from now on
- Manners
- Sense
- Daydreaming
- Memorable
- After Life
- Screaming
- endless Story
BAND-MAID at Ace of Spades, Sacramento, Monday, August 14, 2023
- glory
- alone
- Play
- Moratorium
- Choose me
- Rock in me
- from now on
- Manners
- anemone
- Memorable
- Daydreaming
- Unleash!!!!!
- Don’t you tell ME
- endless Story
- Shambles