Get ready to plug into the future of rap-rock, with UZMK’s music video NEW WORLD. This electrifying crossover from the rap-metal group premiered on November 29. NEW WORLD appears on the digital EP of the same name, which dropped on October 26.
NEW WORLD fuses traditional Japanese music, high-octane screams, and bracing rap rhythms. Altogether, this unexpected melange comes together in a thrilling fusion of sound.
The Osaka-based group just signed to the indie label TWILIGHT RECORDS. UZMK boasts three vocalistsāJUU, CANDY, and Kazuto, backed by guitarist YOSHIO, bassist Matsubai, and drummer DUTTCH.
UZMK also organizes the annual music festival Dogimazun, which celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. Dogimazun previously hosted metal acts like Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas, MAN WITH A MISSION, and Crystal Lake.