Just before entering the last month of the year, YouTube is back with the fantastic online stream event “YouTube Music Weekend vol.6” that runs from November 25-27.

Joining this time are 58 remarkable artists who will share newly recorded concert footage or past live performances that were never uploaded to YouTube before.

To highlight some of our favorites, look forward to rock bands LUNA SEA, BUCK-TICK, and Kisida Kyodan & The Akebosi Rockets. For a little more vibrant pop, check out BiSH, Mori Calliope, or Hoshino Gen. Surprisingly, there are a handful of enka singers on the list to give an even bigger variety.

Besides the aforementioned artists, my personal recommendations are Dios, Kitani Tatsuya, and MADKID.

Announcement video for YouTube Music Weekend vol.6.

YouTube Music Weekend vol. 6 supported by au 開催決定

YouTube Music Weekend vol.6

YouTube Music Weekend vol.6 artists

  1. Aile The Shota
  2. BEGIN
  3. BIM
  4. BiSH
  6. BUDDiiS
  8. Deep Sea Diving Club
  9. Dios
  10. Fujii Fumiya (藤井フミヤ)
  11. Funaki Kazuo (舟木一夫)
  12. HARU NEMURI (春ねむり)
  13. HENTAI SHINSHI CLUB (変態紳士クラブ)
  14. Hoshino Gen (星野源)
  15. Iwata Takanori (岩田剛典)
  16. Jun Retsu (純烈)
  17. Kisida Kyodan & The Akebosi Rockets (岸田教団&THE明星ロケッツ)
  18. Kitani Tatsuya (キタニタツヤ)
  19. Kito Akari (鬼頭明里)
  20. Kiyoshi Ryujin (清竜人)
  21. Kobayashi Touya (小林柊矢)
  22. Kudo Shizuka (工藤静香)
  23. Kohiruimaki Kahoru (小比類巻かほる)
  24. LUNA SEA
  25. Macaroni Empitsu (マカロニえんぴつ)
  26. MADKID
  27. Maharajan (マハラージャン)
  28. Miyako Harumi (都はるみ)
  29. Mizuno Atsu (水野あつ)
  30. Moona Hoshinova
  31. Mori Calliope
  32. Neo Tokyo Metro (新東京)
  33. Newspeak
  34. niKu
  35. nishina (にしな)
  36. Novel Core
  37. Penthouse
  38. PES
  39. reGretGirl
  41. Ryokuoushoku Shakai (緑黄色社会)
  42. Ryu Matsuyama
  43. Saucy Dog
  44. Shiina Sachiko (椎名佐千子)
  45. Shimakura Chiyoko (島倉千代子)
  47. Suzuki Minori (鈴木みのり)
  48. Takanashi Kiara (小鳥遊キアラ)
  49. Takeuchi Anna (竹内アンナ)
  50. Tani Yuuki
  51. the shes gone
  52. TOKYO SKA PARADISE ORCHESTRA (東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ)
  53. TOMOO
  54. Uesaka Sumire (上坂すみれ)
  55. Vaundy
  56. yangskinny (ヤングスキニー)
  58. YUKI
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