Akiyama Kiro releases a music video for the groovy song Shutter Chance extracted from his upcoming third album ONE MORE SHABON coming out on March 9.
The music video begins with Kiro playing guitar on a white studio background moments before he leaves the room as if he’s finished filming. The camera follows him outside while he flows through the city showing off his rap skills, and beautiful falsetto.
Album ONE MORE SHABON comes with 10 tracks including Kiro Akiyama’s most recent singles Mite Kure, and Night Dancer. The limited edition of the album adds a Blu-ray disc containing a live concert held at Zepp Tokyo on March 10, 2021.
The young singer is on an impressive creative streak as he’s been dropping an album per year since 2020, always around the month of his birthday. We hope he continues to develop his sound even further in the near future, and a happy birthday to Kiro on March 11.
- Mite Kure見て呉れ
- Night Dancerナイトダンサー
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- Shutter Chanceシャッターチャンス
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