Arlequin unleashes their third album titled MONSTER on February 9. The album’s name MONSTER also serves as the opening title track, in which the band has revealed its frenetic and intense music video.
That freneticism and intensity lie in the closeups of vocalist Aki while he smothers dark paint into his face, and during the band performing the song. In addition, revolving lights, dynamic camera angles, and quick transitions capture the band’s vigorous performance. The performance also matches spectacularly well with vocalist Aki’s passionate spoken singing from a podium.
Album MONSTER features their previously released songs Sekai no Owari to Yoake Mae and Siren and comes in regular and two limited editions. Each edition has something that will cater to different kinds of audiences and affordability.
The regular edition has an additional track titled Wakare Uta. Wakare Uta is not included in the limited editions.
The first limited edition includes two DVDs with one containing the music video and off-shot filming for MONSTER. The other DVD is of their performance at Arlequin Presents ‘Sonosekai-SONOSEKAI-‘ at Zepp Haneda on November 14, 2021, and it’s off-shot.
The second limited edition also has two DVDs with one containing a performance titled Arlequin 8th ANNIVERSARY TOUR ‘Sekai Sekai no Owari to Yoake Mae’ FINAL at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM on October 26, 2021. The other DVD is a documentary covering the tour mentioned above from their September to October dates that weren’t postponed.
Arlequin opted for all-black ensembles for this release. Vocalist Aki’s red side-swept hair is strikingly different from anything we’ve seen before, providing a refreshing change overall.
- Vocalist Aki
- Guitarist Nao
- Guitarist Kuruto
- Bassist Shohei
- Drummer Tamon
- Sirenサイレン
- bash Nou downbash 脳 down
- Elegyエレジー
- Akashi証
- Ibara Himeいばら姫
- Blue Candyブルーキャンディ
- Hata no Moto ni旗のもとに
- Sekai no Owari to Yoake Mae世界の終わりと夜明け前
- MONSTER Music Video + Off Shot
- 2021.11.14 Arlequin Presents 'Sonosekai-SONOSEKAI-' at Zepp Haneda LIVE Video + OFF SHOT2021.11.14 アルルカン Presents「束の世界-SONOSEKAI-」at Zepp Haneda LIVE映像+OFF SHOT
- Sirenサイレン
- bash Nou downbash 脳 down
- Elegyエレジー
- Akashi証
- Ibara Himeいばら姫
- Blue Candyブルーキャンディ
- Hata no Moto ni旗のもとに
- Sekai no Owari to Yoake Mae世界の終わりと夜明け前
- 2021.10.26 Arlequin 8th ANNIVERSARY TOUR 'Sekai Sekai no Owari to Yoake Mae' FINAL at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM2021.10.26 アルルカン 8th ANNIVERSARY TOUR 「世界の終わりと夜明け前」 FINAL at 恵比寿LIQUIDROOM
- 2021.09~2021.10 Arlequin 8th ANNIVERSARY TOUR 'Sekai Sekai no Owari to Yoake Mae' DOCUMENT2021.09~2021.10 アルルカン 8th ANNIVERSARY TOUR「世界の終わりと夜明け前」 DOCUMENT