Following on from ALPHA, the ending track for season one of anime Moriarty the Patriot, STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION’s RON has blessed us with the ultimate dance track, OMEGA! Featuring as the ending track for the second season of Moriarty the Patriot, this early release on streaming platforms is sure to get anime fans and music lovers alike moving.

Moriarty the Patriot follows the story of William James Moriarty, the nemesis of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. With the second series premiere on April 4, followed by the streaming release of OMEGA on April 5, things have gotten off to a great start!

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RON once again shows his masterful craftsmanship in this powerful dance track, which combines hard synths and some almost ethereal vocals from the man himself, yet, retains that signature STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION sound. In the same way that a detective novel hints at the answer to the overarching puzzle, once you unravel the mysteries of OMEGA, you’ll uncover a track that will make you bounce on a molecular level!

With the physical release scheduled for June 2, 2021, it won’t be long until you can get your hands on a physical copy. Well-versed from the ALPHA to the OMEGA of music production, RON has outdone himself once again with this jewel of a number. We can’t wait to see what he produces next!

If you haven’t yet, make sure to also catch our latest interview with RON where he talks about the single ALPHA.

Cover art for OMEGA showing a split pomegranate with seeds bursting from the fruit.

Cover art for OMEGA showing a split pomegranate with seeds bursting from the fruit.

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  1. OMEGA
  2. No worries
  3. OMEGA (Instrumental)
  4. No worries (Instrumental)
  5. OMEGA -Piano ver.- (Instrumental)