In an unforeseen yet interesting turn of events, GACKT and Hiro of NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST have joined forces to bring forth an innovative online fitness program that guarantees to get you ripped in just six months!

“METAL GOD” is the result of combining GACKT’s extensive knowledge of health and fitness with Hiro’s secret lifting and breathing techniques, under the supervision of world-class fitness gurus and dieticians within Japan.

METAL GOD is incredibly accessible and versatile! The exercise videos are available to stream online or saved locally on your device and can be performed at home or in a gym. The program also comes in a variety of tiered packages, so whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just a long time GACKT fan looking for new collectibles, this program has something for you!

The METAL GOD promises:

METAL GOD is like no other fitness program in the market. The techniques are proven to build muscle, get you lean and defined at the same time. Compared to the products in the market right now, our workout program is more efficient and will get you those six-packs in no-time. If you don’t get noticeable results in just six months we will immediately refund 100% of your money.


We’ve come to love GACKT not only for his legendary achievements as a rock icon but for his dedication to health and fitness too. Not to mention he’s easy on the eyes. With this new endeavor to get us into shape, he gives us one more reason to adore him!

With each sadness, a woman gets more beautiful. I wonder if with each sadness a man gets stronger. — GACKT

The face-melting vocalist, Hiro, is better known for his position as the frontman of NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST than his physique. But taking one glance at him it’s plain to see that he should be. It’s no wonder why these two partnered together. We can’t wait to learn more about his techniques!

I first learned how important breath control is when I learned how to sing. Whether I’m in the studio or a gym, I’m always focused on my breath and form. — Hiro

Protein powder created by GACKT and Hiro. It comes in “Vanilla” and “Blood” flavor.

Limited “Kami” (God) T-shirt and water bottle design for people who sign up.

Bronze Metal God – $50/month

Suit up and begin your journey to getting a shredded body.

  • Membership card (Bronze)
  • Basic level workout videos

Silver Metal God – $200/month

Sweat it out with the intermediate level then guzzle down the vanilla protein shake for quicker recovery and bigger gains!

  • Membership card (Silver)
  • Basic and intermediate level workout videos
  • Protein powder (Vanilla + Blood flavor)
  • Logo T-shirt and water bottle

Golden Metal God – $1000/month

For those who aim high and are looking to match GACKT’s and Hiro’s perfect abs.

  • Membership card (Gold)
  • Early access to all basic, intermediate, and advanced level workout videos
  • Professional assistance from GACKT or Hiro via facetime or chat twice a month.
  • Protein powder (Vanilla + Blood flavor)
  • Logo T-shirt and water bottle
  • Special bonus gift

Update 2020-04-02: Happy April Fools!

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