DIAURA will release fourth mini-album DEFINITION on February 13 and amidst promotions, the band has now revealed the music video preview for the seventh and final track, Dantou Dai Kara Ai wo Komete. The one minute preview showcases a melancholic ballad along with an excellent emotional performance by the band members.
Update 2019-02-07: The full music video is now available and can be watched below.
The performance of the track takes place on a windy cliff-side overlooking the sea while in the glaring sun. This is also the perfect opportune moment to get in some absolutely stunning shots of the scenery around them. There’s also imitation embers and flames for added emotional effect and an orb in the sky. Then we have a white-robed boy with a clear orb, crossing parts with each of the members.
Take a look at their artist photos and tracklist that features song MALICE as the second track below!
- Vocalist yo-ka
- Guitarist Kei
- Bassist Shoya
- Drummer Tatsuya
More info:
Official Website
Twitter (yo-ka)
Twitter (Kei)
Twitter (Shoya)
Twitter (Tatsuya)
Instagram (Shoya)
Instagram (Tatsuya)
Blog (Staff)