The slew of albums MUCC has been releasing doesn’t end as they will bring out yet another in the form of their all-time self-cover album titled Koroshi no Shirabe II This is NOT Greatest Hits!

This will see the band collaborate with different arrangers such as TeddyLoid on FUZZ and Ken from L’Arc~en~Ciel on Ryuusei and Monokuro no Keshiki. Check the tracklist further down below!

MUCC / 6/21 日本武道館 終演後告知動画

Koroshi no Shirabe II This is NOT Greatest Hits!

Regular Edition


  1. Aka (アカ)
  2. Ranchu (蘭鋳)
  3. FUZZ (ファズ)
  4. Utagoe (謡声(ウタゴエ))
  5. Bouzenjishitsu (茫然自失)
  6. Tsubasa wo Kudasai (茫然自失)
  7. Hakanaku Tomo (儚くとも)
  8. 1979
  9. Media no Juusei (メディアの銃声)
  10. Ame no Orchestra (雨のオーケストラ)
  11. Monokuro no Keshiki (モノクロの景色)
  12. Namonaki Yume (名も無き夢)
  13. Mr.Liar
  14. MAD YACK
  15. Ryuusei (流星)

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

Limited Edition


  1. Aka (アカ)
  2. Ranchu (蘭鋳)
  3. FUZZ (ファズ)
  4. Utagoe (謡声(ウタゴエ))
  5. Bouzenjishitsu (茫然自失)
  6. Tsubasa wo Kudasai (茫然自失)
  7. Hakanaku Tomo (儚くとも)
  8. 1979
  9. Media no Juusei (メディアの銃声)
  10. Ame no Orchestra (雨のオーケストラ)
  11. Monokuro no Keshiki (モノクロの景色)
  12. Namonaki Yume (名も無き夢)
  13. Mr.Liar
  14. MAD YACK
  15. Ryuusei (流星)

Includes an M card randomly selected from four kinds

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

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