MUCC just revealed that the third and fourth movements from their 20th-anniversary project will be two separate best of albums, BEST OF MUCC II and Coupling best II, both to be released on March 29.

BEST OF MUCC II will consist in two discs including the best tracks of the band starting with 2007’s Fuzz, just where they left off in previous BEST OF MUCC. On the other side of the table we have Coupling best II, a collection of the best B-sides songs starting with Freesia‘s B-side, Shuushifu, which is also where they left off in the previous Coupling Best.

While you can get these two albums separately, there will be a collector’s set available limited to 5000 copies, containing both BEST OF MUCC II and Coupling best II, and also adding a fourth CD titled REMIX OF MUCC, appropriately containing the remixed tracks of the band.

The remaining movements are yet to be disclosed, so you can expect much more activities coming from MUCC in this special year!


NowPrintingCD 1

  1. Fuzz (ファズ)
  2. Fukurou no yurikago (梟の揺り篭)
  3. Ageha (アゲハ)
  4. Sora to ito ( 空と糸)
  5. Houkou (咆哮)
  6. Freesia (フリージア)
  7. Diorama-20th Hisyou Ver.- (ジオラマ -20th 飛翔 Ver.-)
  8. Falling Down (フォーリングダウン)
  9. Akatsuki -20th Hisyou New Take Ver.- (暁 -20th 飛翔 New Take Ver.-)
  10. Arcadia featuring DAISHI DANCE
  11. Nirvana ( ニルヴァーナ)

CD 2

  1. Kaze to taiyou (風と太陽)
  2. Blair Rabbit (ブレア・ラビット)
  3. Stella (ステラ)
  5. Mr. Liar
  6. G.G.
  7. HALO
  8. World’s End
  10. Suiren (睡蓮)

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Coupling best II (カップリング・ベスト II)


  1. Shuushifu (終止符)
  2. Rakuen (楽園)
  3. Gareki no tori (瓦礫の鳥)
  4. Isola (イソラ)
  5. Tsuki no yoru (月の夜)
  6. Hotaru (蛍)
  7. NAME
  8. FUZZ -Thunder Groove Ver.-
  9. Balls (バルス)
  10. Negative Dancer (ネガティブダンサー)
  11. Asunaro no sora (あすなろの空)
  12. Territory (テリトリー)
  13. Monroe
  14. Jien Yatsu (自演奴)
  15. WateR
  16. Monopoly (モノポリー)
  17. Conquest

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BEST OF MUCC II & Coupling best II (カップリング・ベスト II)


Edition A

CD 1

  • First CD from BEST OF MUCC II

CD 2

  • Second CD from BEST OF MUCC II

CD 3

  • CD from Coupling best II

CD 4

  1. Fuzz (ファズ) -electro cruisin’ mix-
  2. Freesia (フリージア) -Electro Mix-
  3. Yakusoku (約束) -Warehouse Flavoured Mix-
  4. Saishuu Ressha (最終列車) -Warehouse Flavored Ver.-
  5. Nirvana (ニルヴァーナ) -Moonbug Remix-
  6. Kyoran Kyosho (狂乱狂唱) RMX for 不安の種
  8. Mr. Liar -JaQwa Remix-
  9. HALO -HIGH FLUX Remix-
  10. Libra -TeddyLoid Remix-
  11. Heide (ハイデ) -TeddyLoid Remix-

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More info:
20th anniversary special site
Official Website (English)
Official Website
Twitter (Tatsuro)
Twitter (Miya)
Twitter (Yukke)
Twitter (Satochi)

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