INORAN / 「Beautiful Now」MV&10thアルバム「BEAUTIFUL NOW」全曲ダイジェスト

Additional details have been released since our last update on the upcoming album Beautiful Now to be released on the August 26. King Records has revealed a preview of the album alongside a short of the music video so take a look in the video above.

Looking at the track names, 2Lime s seems to be a strange title. This song features MINHYUK, PENIEL and ILHOON, all memebers from Korean male pop band BTOB. I imagine this track to be quite poppy.

I wonder if Pink spider is a special reference to X Japan?


Beautiful Now

Regular edition 3241 yen


  1. Beautiful Now
  2. Might never see, might never reach
  3. Awaking in myself
  4. 2Lime s featuring MINHYUK, PENIEL and ILHOON from BTOB
  5. Fading Memory
  6. Lullaby of Winds
  7. Something about you
  8. Hold on
  9. Pink Spider
  10. All We Are

Buy at CDJapan or Amazon

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