MERRY「Happy life」 Full ver.

Merry is here to make your life even happier with their brand new music video of Happy life!

Merry promised to bring a song full of melancholy and retro feeling, and they have successfully achieved that goal in my opinion. According to Merry‘s description about this song, the lyrics are about the sense of well-being in today’s Japan. Something completely opposite to their latest album, which concept was about the wrongness of the Japanese society.

In this new music video we can see a cameo from the idol group Tsuki to Taiyou (Moon & Sun), which previously appeared in Merry’s music video of Chiyodasen Democracy.

Many Visual Kei artists also made an appearance in that video, such as Dancho from Nogod, Wataru from Liphlich, Asanao from lynch., DADA from Velvet Eden, Tohya from Vislip and Hiroshi from R-Shitei. Can you spot them all?

Happy life is out in stores since August 5.

MERRY Happy Life Limited edition

Title of single

Limited edition 2,315 yen


  1. Happy life
  2. Okubyoumono no Nemurikata (臆病者の眠り方)

Grateful Year 2015 “NOnsenSe MARkeT B1”
2015.2.27 Shimokitazawa CLUB Que

  1. NOnsenSe MARkeT
  2. Fukinkou Kinema (不均衡キネマ)
  3. Kurayami ni Pink (暗闇にピンク)
  4. Zombie Paradise ~Jigoku no Butoukyoku (地獄の舞踏曲)~
  5. stupid×cupid
  6. sweet powder
  7. Chiyodasen Democracy (千代田線デモクラシー)
  8. Tokyo (東京)
  9. Carnival
  10. Fukuro (梟)
  11. Gunjou (群青 )

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MERRY Happy Life Regular edition

Happy Life

Regular edition  1,204 yen


  1. Happy life
  2. Okubyoumono no Nemurikata (臆病者の眠り方)
  3. Zetsubou (絶望) feat. Naozumi Masuko (増子 直純) from
    Dohatsuten (怒髪天)

Buy at CDJapan

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