ONE OK ROCK is following the #StayHome guidelines and that is made quite apparent with their latest music video “Kanzen Zaitaku Dreamer” (完全在宅Dreamer) taking place in their respective homes, a parody of the music video “Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer” (完全感覚Dreamer) from 2010.

It consists of the members rocking out like goofballs, with drummer Tomoya playing on a toy drum set, vocalist Taka vigorously singing into a microphone that is nothing else but a TV remote control. In the middle of it, bassist Ryota reminds us to wash our hands properly, and guitarist Toru loses it completely after staying at home for so long which drives him to “cosplay” Harley Quinn.

All of this matches up with the new title that the band has given the song. Unlike the original title which is Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer, roughly translates to “Perfect Sense Dreamer”, the parody title Kanzen Zaitaku Dreamer is more along the line of “Perfectly at Home Dreamer“.

ONE OK ROCK - 完全在宅Dreamer [Official Home Performance Video]

We suspect the reason why Tomoya even have toy drums at home is because of his recent newborn child, and Ryota reminding us to wash our hands is a very parent like gesture since he also became a father recently.

If you haven’t seen the original version yet, take a look! It follows the same four-segment splitting with each segment focusing on a member so this really was a perfect choice for a home recording.

ONE OK ROCK - 完全感覚Dreamer [Official Music Video]

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