We all know of Leda’s great technique and amazing-ness with the guitar; he’s demonstrated it numerous times with Deluhi, and now with Far East Dizain. As such, it isn’t so rare to see people covering, or attempting to cover, Leda’s incredible guitar solo’s from time to time. So what better way to learn these solos than from the guitarist himself!
Leda has been collaborating with Young Guitar for a couple of years now, around the time he started his solo project, Undivide. In those videos he usually talks about the equipment he uses (with no subtitles, sadly), or he simply just showed off the solos he used to play in Deluhi. If you can understand Japanese, or just want to watch because you’re curious, you can check some of these videos yourself below.
Sometimes, however, he also does demonstration videos, in which he play his songs in a slowed down manner, allowing for greater chances to mimic his guitar solos. A few days ago, a new video was uploaded to YouTube, in which Leda demonstrates how he plays the solos of Inhale and False, both from Far East Dizain’s most recent single, Inhale, out since March 23. He usually doesn’t talk or explain things in these videos, so you’ll have to do with watching him play in slow motion for you. You can watch the video below.
Do we have any guitarists who will try to learn from these videos? They are not the best instructional videos, but having Leda himself teaching us is already something special and amazing.