With the fifth and final movement announced back in December, we were thinking that PROJECT: DARK AGE would come to an end. But thanks to a bunch of sloppy people last week, there were several leaks indicating towards a potential world tour. Today the GazettE confirmed those plans, disclosing all the stops the band would be making during the world tour, WORLD TOUR16 DOGMATIC -TROIS-. There will be a total of 16 stops and they’ll be visiting 11 different countries, starting April 15 and ending on June 12.

See all the released dates below:


April 15Mexico, Mexico CityTeatro MetropolitanInfo
April 20Argentina, Buenos AiresTeatro VorterixInfo
April 22Brazil, Sao PauloAudio ClubInfo
April 25USA, DallasThe Bomb FactoryInfo
April 27Canada, TorontoThe Danforth MusicInfo
April 29USA, New YorkPlaystation TheaterInfo
May 1USA, San FranciscoThe Regency BallroomInfo
May 3USA, Los AngelesThe wiltern TheatreInfo
May 5Canada, VancouverVogue TheatreInfo
May 13Taiwan, TaipeiTICCInfo
May 21China, ShanghaiQ.HallInfo
June 3France, ParisLe ZenithInfo
June 5Germany, CologneE-WerkInfo
June 8Germany, MunichTonhalleInfo
June 10Finland, HelsinkiThe CircusInfo
June 12Russia, MoscowIzvestiya HallInfo
Promotion poster for the GazettE's 2016 World Tour.

Promotion poster for the GazettE’s 2016 World Tour.

More info:
Official Website
Project: Dark Age
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